I've been following babywise since the girls were about 6 weeks old. They were STTN by 12 weeks. from 3-4 months old they STTN 8 hrs straight not a peep outta them. The last month, they have been constantly waking JUST to be held. If i hold them they fall instantly back asleep so I know they aren't hungry and I don't need to feed them.
During the day I've always kept them on the sleep-eat-play routine. But lately they dont want to eat when they get up so they have been play-eat-sleep. Could this be why nighttime is so screwed up lately? I know they are teething so that could be something to do with it too, but I can't keep them on the sleep-eat-play routine if they just aren't hungry yet when they wake.
Re: Babywise MoMs..come in
i would really work on getting them back to sleep/eat/play - because the main reason for that is so they learn to soothe themselves back to sleep and not need to eat to fall asleep.... when they wake at night, which all babies (and adults) do often, they are likely having a harder time going back to sleep b/c they are now used to eating to fall asleep.
teething can also screw everything up.... you'll have many bumps in the road - teething, sickness, change, etc.... but trying your best to keep them on schedule will usually be how they get back to their groove.
eat/wake/sleep is basically the core of BW, so you should try to get them back in that routine. Otherwise you'll be back in the habit of nursing/feeding them to sleep all the time.
Videos of telling my family and husbands family that we are preggo...with twins!