
Twins born at 36 weeks...Any NICU time?

I went to my hematologist yesterday and they advised me that my platelets are low, so today I had a regular scheduled OB appt. and I advised him about the platelet issue and he would like to deliver me tomorrow if my platelets are still low. 

I have concerns about delivering early, because I don't want the babies to have long term side effects or any NICU time.  I would love  them to come home with me. 

I did have steroid shots about 2 weeks ago, but I'm so nervous that their lungs aren't mature enough or they are going to have other issues.  

Did any of you ladies deliver your twins around 36 weeks and not have to spend time in NICU?  

How much did they weigh? 


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Re: Twins born at 36 weeks...Any NICU time?

  • My twins were born at 36 weeks 4days and had no issues! They spend 5 days in the hospital with me in the regular nursery at night. We were only there 5 days because I had issues from the spinal from the c/s. 
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  • Mine were born right at 36 weeks and had no issues whatsoever.  Good luck!
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  • 36 Weeks 3 days. 5 lbs 4oz, and 5 lbs 12 oz.

    My girls were born on a Friday night and fine until Sunday morning.  That's when they realized that they weren't holding their temps and started burning their body fat and ended up in the NICU.  I was discharged on Tuesday, they came home on Thursday night.  We had to rig up a heat lamp near their crib to keep it at a stable temperature and monitor their temps several times a day for a couple weeks. 

    If you have to get the c/s now, then don't stress.  There's nothing you can do and 36 weeks is really far along!  If I could do it all over again, I would have pushed for 37 weeks, but I wasn't having any complications.

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  • even a singleton born full term can end up in the NICU- so there are certainly no guarantees... but 36w generally do very well- esp if you had the steroid shots.

    My oldest son was born at 36w and did fine- he needed 2 extra days under the lights for jaundice, but other than that was great- and was with us the whole time (no NICU). I had to stay 2 extra days b/c of kidney stones, so we left the same day.

    he had the steriod shots at 32w, too, and I always figured they helped b/c he had no lung issues at all.

    White boys tend to do the worst, too... "wimpy white boy syndrome" it's called- for some reason they often do worse off when born early, but mine did just fine.  They don't consider it preemie- but "pre-term" at 36w.

    good luck!

    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • My girls were born at 36w2d at 5 lbs 12 oz and 7 lbs 2 oz.  They had no issues in the beginning but developed jaundice by the end of their hospital stay.  We had to have them on phototherapy at home for a few days, but otherwise they were completely healthy.  Also, wanted to add I had steroid shots at 31 weeks when I went into PTL.  GL!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Most 36 weekers do fine and generally have no (or little) NICU time.  We live in Denver, so altitude and my GD played a HUGE part in why mine spent 2 weeks in the NICU. 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Mine were born at 36 w 1 d. Two came home with us and one spent 2.5 weeks in the NICU. She was 3lbs 6oz and only in the NICU as a feeder/grower. IUGR was mentioned, so her size could have been a result of being a triplet.
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  • My boys were born at 36w 4 days... they were 6lbs9oz and 6lbs15oz...they were born at 3:47 and 3:52pm... we were discharged by 6pm the NEXT DAY!

    Which I thought it was wayyyy too soon.

     That said... at 4 days old we all ended up back in the hospital because both boys had terrible jaundice and they ended up both losing 1+ lbs by 6 days old... so I really wish they had kept us longer to monitor them as neither boy was latching/eating well at discharge, and we've struggled with breastfeeding since.

  • 36w5d with no nicu
    I never had steroids shots at any point.

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  • Mine were born right at 36 weeks. Baby A didnt take his first breath fast enough, so he had to stay in NICU for 8 days for "observation" and he was fine, but it was the longest and hardest 8 days of my life. Baby B was fine and came home with me.

    They weighed 5.5 pounds each and I never had steroid shots.

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  • Mine were born at 36w6d with the steroid shots. Baby A weighed 5lb 4oz and Baby B weighed 4lb 4oz. Baby A roomed with us and Baby B went to the NICU as a grower and feeder for the 4 days we were there. We were able to come home as a family.
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  • Mine were born at 36w4d.  I had the steroid shots at 28 weeks.  DD was 5 lb 7 oz and DS was 6 lb 9 oz.  We all came home together, although DS spent three days in the NICU while I was in the hospital because he had a little breathing trouble at first ("wimpy white boy syndrome").  DD also spent two days hanging out in the NICU waiting for test results, but that's only because I had a fever during delivery and they had to check both babies for infection (they were fine). 

     Good luck!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Mine were born at 36w4d, A weighed 5lbs2oz and V weighed 4lbs (IUGR). They stayed the first night in the nursery because I was very ill from the morphine, but they came into my room with me the next morning and stayed there the next 4 days that we were in the hospital, then we all went home!

    Good luck tomorrow, how exciting!

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  • Like Goldie said - even full term singletons may end up in the NICU so you never know.

    My triplets were born at 35 weeks, 6 days and weighed 5.3, 4.13 and 4.13.  Allie and Em spent 2 days in the Special Care nursery and then came home with me.  Anna was in the NICU only b/c she had to have surgeries related to her spina bifida.  We were told that she had no preemie issues and would have come home with me if not for the surgeries.

    I didn't receive any steroid shots either.

    Good luck! 

  • My singleton was born at 35 weeks and he had few issues at birth but came home with us 3 days after my c-section no nicu time. He had to have his temp watched cause could not maintain it and after a few days at home he got jaundice and they had us use the blanket at home. Good luck with blood work.
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  • My nieces are identical. Their birthday is today!  The girls were born at 36 weeks and a few days.  Jenna came home with my SIL but her sister Juliana stayed about 10 days due to TTTS.  Jenna was around 6 pounds and Juliana was around 4 at birth.
  • Copied from my reply to the post about 35 weeks:

    Mine were born at 36 weeks and 3 days and one spent 7 days and the other spent 10 days.  They were in the step-down NICU which means they really didn't need a lot of care but needed to be monitored.  They were really jaundice, had trouble eating and maintaining their temp.  They were 5 lbs and 4.6 lbs.

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  • I had mine at 36w1d.  My son was 6lbs 8oz, my daughter 6lbs 2.9oz.  Initially my son had a little bit of a hard time breathing, but only for a short time.  They kept an eye on him for a few hours, and he was in my room shortly after.  He came home with me 3 days later.  My daughter INITIALLY was doing great, she came straight into the recovery room with me, but later that afternoon she turned purple.  She had some fluid still in her lungs from the c-section.  Then she had a few apnea spells that day.  She ended up staying in the NICU for 2w.  She was doing good after a few days, but the day she was supposed to come home, she had another apnea spell and ended up staying another week.  Generally it's really rare that a 36 weeker has breathing issues, but I guess she's just a bit delicate.  She had no other issues, everything else was perfect.  She's doing perfect now and has no long-term effects, and neither does my son.  In fact my son is bigger than most full-term babies his age (and he was 1 month early!!) 
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  • Mine were born at 35 weeks 6 days, and weighted 6 pounds 7 ounces and 6 pounds 1 ounce. We had no NICU time and no steroid shots prior to delivery. I had a c/s so we left after four days. 
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  • My guys were born @ 35w 5 days and had a 2 week NICU stay.
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  • Congratulations to all of you and thank you so much for sharing your experiences with me.  I just want the best for my babies, so I think the longer I can hold out the better, but now the platelets are an issue, so whatever is best for them I will do.  I'm just scared for many reasons. 

    Thank you all again!!!  All your babies are absolutely adorable!  

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  • Mine were 36w4d, but due to issues with IUGR, were under 4lbs each. At first, they went to the regular nursery, but their temps dropped and they were sent to the Level III NICU for 3 days, and then to the Level II NICU for 10 days. They were basically just feeders & growers. 




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