

Did you get one? Did LO's use them a lot? And through what age did they continue to use them?

I'm considering getting one, but if they are only going to use it for a month or two now it seems like a waste of money. I'm suprised how expensive they are.

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Re: Jumperoo's

  • Check out freecycle (it's a yahoo community group).  I've gotten one for free already and have seen others listed.
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  • Craigslist usually has jumperoos as well. My babies still love the jumperoo at 10 months, although they don't use it as much anymore.
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  • go to CL, consignment shops, yard sales, etc- you'll find one cheap. I sold one for $5 at my yard sale- just to get it away and make space :)

    they are GREAT - my boys loved them... started at 3mo and used until after 12mo- even when they could walk, they still liked going in there to bounce.

    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • We had one and the girls LOVED it.  They couldn't use it until they were about 5 months though because they didn't weigh enough.  I would have had 2 if we had the space (like a finished basement or something), but we made do with one.  Lots of taking turns!
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  • We had one too and DS loved it! He used it until he got too tall and wasn't able to jump as well in it (probably around 10 months). DD never really got the idea to jump and would just stand there and play with the toys! Overall, I think it was great to have both a jumper and exercaucer because they entertain (and contain!) nicely if you need to get something done.
    BFP July 09 - m/c Aug 09
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    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • DS in particular LOVES the jumperoo.  I agree with PPs - check consignment sales, CL, etc.  My jumperoo is borrowed from a friend.
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  • I agree with you in that I didn't want to spend the $ on one.... we took the girls to BRU and let DD1 try out the display....and she kept bouncing and bouncing ....she didn't want to get out of it.

    DD2 isn't a fan as much.  DD1 still plays in it at 14 months... but it's losing it's fun.  I also tried the jumper that hangs in the doorway, but the Jumperoo was much safer.  I can't see the brand,....I think it's a Baby Einstein (with sea animals).

    TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009. BFP on New Year's 2010. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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