So I had posted about my lovely stubborn breach baby at 40 weeks. Well he arrived earlier than scheduled.
We had scheduled a c-section for Thursday the 15th but Tues morning I woke up at 5am with some cramps and didn't think
much of it. They kept coming and going most of the day with no real
pattern. Around 3 ish I figured out they were probably contractions
since they were now coming every 1/2 hr. I made DH come home and we
went down to my midwife's office which is over an hour away. In the car
the contractions started coming every 15 mins. I was almost 5cm dilated
and the contractions were coming every 4-5 mins now at the office. My
midwife told us to head across the street to the hospital and up to
Mind you, we brought nothing with us. :P No bag was packed yet and I even forgot my camera in the melee.
He was
born at 7:08pm, weighing 7lbs 8oz and 19 inches long. Right after they finished checking Nathan over DH
got to hold him for a while next to me while I was getting put back
together. DH went with Nathan to the nursery while I went to
recovery and within 15 mins they were both back with me in recovery and I
got to start breastfeeding right away. It was wonderful! So much better
than my section with DD. The poor thing had
the cord wrapped around his neck twice. His right femur is also much shorter than his left. The drs weren't
terribly concerned about doing anything at that moment since he was
moving the leg with no issues and wasn't in any pain, but we have an
appointment with a Pediatric Orthopedic in Oct to see what we need to do
to fix it since it will be an issue when he starts crawling and walking.
I will say I am so happy to have gone though some part of labor even if I wasn't aware of it at the time. :P I was really disappointed in the fact that I was not getting the VBAC I had prepared for. Thankfully Nathan didn't like the birth date we picked and gave me part of the birth I was hoping for.
He's doing really well other wise. He's already gained his birth weight and then some back at 9 days.
Re: Update
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)