Sometimes I still get jealous....

....of people on the boards that have these amazingly easy births!  I know some of us on here had C/S because of breech or other complications.... but a lot of us ended up with terrible labors, failed inductions and all sorts of crazy stuff.  Why do some women have 6 hour labors and show up at L&D ready to push?  Damn, I wish it was that easy for me (and everyone!)..... 

And now with our VBACs, it's hard in a different way on top of it! Now a lot of us get to battle unsupportive doctors (or less than supportive), arbitrary time limits and all sorts of red tape.  

Sorry, that's my pity party for the day..... I know, life isn't fair.


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Re: Sometimes I still get jealous....

  • I completely agree.  I get so jealous of the women I know who did nothing to prepare and wouldn't have cared if they had a c/s and had the best labors.

    I really wish you could "earn" your labor/delivery.  I read all the books, did all the right things throughout my pregnancy and had a miserably failed induction and am fighting so hard for my VBAC.  I wish that since I paid my dues now I could have a nice, easy delivery with #2! 

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  • I very much feel the same way.  I went to the hospital because I was leaking fluid.  I was almost 6 cm, 100% and 0 station. (with a small baby)  They broke my water, and labor started instantly.  I should have had a very easy l/d, theoretically.  But DD was breech, so awful c section for me.

    And I had a perfect pregnancy, ate healthy(ish) gained good weight, didn't even have any swelling.  While my friend ate really crappy, gained 60 pounds (she is very heavy, shouldn't have probably gained more than 10 lbs)  and was having horrible edema and was told not to have sodium.  She made herself really sick during her pregnancy, but then she had an incident free vaginal delivery.


    Not fair.

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  • Yep. I've spent many hours wondering about it myself! My VBAC went a long way with me not pondering quite as much (hope that doesn't come off as smug!). I was always very sad when a friend or relative had a straightforward vaginal birth after DS1 was born - and then I felt like a complete jerk feeling that way!

    I think a good amount of long arduous labors have to do with providers, frankly. In my case with DS1, no one checked his position until after I had pushed 4+ hours (he was OP).

    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

  • I totally understand. It is so unfair. But that's life. I have  friend who recently had a 2 hour labor and perfect birth with only 2 pushes. I find myself wondering what she did right that I didn't. I too read every book. I have a body designed for birthing babies and still it failed me.
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  • totally feel you ...

    my son is 3.5 years old, and i still don't feel 'over it'.  so many of my friends/family do not understand ...

    it isn't fair, but no one promised us a fair life.  i'm trying to be more open to all possibilities this time around so if i do need another c/s i hopefully won't be so upset.

    it's hard ... feel your feelings, but try not to let them take you over.  it's a real challenge tho. 

  • I totally agree.  I had gone med-free (as planned), pushed for 3 hours, and ended up with a c/s (DS was posterior).

    The medical reason for my c/s was CPD, which floors me because DS was only 7 lbs. 7 oz.

    A Facebook friend had a baby earlier this week.  She was posting updates during her 5 hour labor (she obviously had an epidural) and pushed her 9 lb. 9 oz., 22 1/2 inch son out in 3 pushes.  For real!!?

    And besides that insane birth story, I just get insanely jealous when I hear any vaginal birth story, no matter how horrific and painful the mother makes it sound.

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