Cloth Diapering

Registering for CD's?

We're expecting our first in February, and we are planning on going cloth. I know a lot of people at baby showers buy disposable diapers, but other than having a few for when we are out and about or during the early days, I really want to avoid having a closet full of disposables. Is there a tactful way to tell people that we are going to be using cloth diapers so that we are not overwhelmed with disposables at the baby shower?


I have read a lot of post's suggesting that we wait until after the baby is born to really buy a lot of CD's, until we know what we like. However, I would really rather be prepared and have them before hand and if they don't work out I can wash them and give them to our local women's shelter. Did anyone register for cloth diapers for their shower? The only cloth diapers that our local store's sell are the one's you have to pin, which I really don't want. Is it acceptable to register online for CD's? Or is that something that me and my hubby should just take care of on our own?


Thanks in advance! 

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Registering for CD's?

  • I think it's definitely acceptable to register for them! If I had been planning to cloth diaper my first before she was born I definitely would have :) I'm not sure the best way to get the word out about this though, other than just word of mouth? Hopefully if people give you disposables they'll include a receipt and you can get some cloth instead!

    I have a registry on amazon (mainly for us to keep track of what we need/want still...and completion codes:) ) and they have a decent selection on their site. Otherwise I'd definitely have one with for their huge selection and awesome deals!

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  • I put some BumGenius diapers on my target and BRU registries, I didnt expect anyone to buy them (no one did), but it was a way of telling people that we werent using disposables.

    I didnt receive any sposies at my showers.

    There are some places you can have CD registries though - Jillians Drawers and Abbys Lane are cloth diaper boutiques online with full CD selections to add to a registry, and Amazon has a decent selection as well, with a lot of popular brands - thirsties, KL0s, BG


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  • I registered for some on Amazon (along with a few other things that I couldn't find at Buy Buy Baby, such as the crib sheets I liked).  But like PP said, I don't expect people to buy them for us - it was really more to signal to them that we won't be needing sposies.
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  • We registered for CD's at and my mom and MIL put that link and the BRU registry link on the shower invite. You could always make a cute note on the invite that says "mom (and dad) have decided to use cloth diapers. If you're interested in helping build their stash, check out their registry here (include name of place). Or something like that. If I saw that on a shower invite, I wouldn't be offended.


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  • I would put them on the registry. You may get some disposables anyway. Smile gracefully and just return them for store credit.
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  • Go for it, I registered at I decided on them since they have almost everything I want. is also pretty good. My shower isn't for a couple weeks. I just made sure to tell my mom/sister that if anyone asks, mention I really want the cloth diapers- in a subtle way Big Smile. I have also been stalking my registry, and I have a couple things purchased already.
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  • we registered at amazon and we've gotten a lot of the CD items already
    Jenn & Jason
    September 27, 2008
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  • I registered at Cotton Babies (we have a store locally) and put several types of CD on it, in addition to wet bags and other basic CD supplies I knew we'd need.  I also put BG and Flip dipes on my BRU registry, not expecting to get them, but to make it known we weren't planning to use sposies.  I wasn't sure if I would receive any CD as gifts - thought the registry would at least be good for getting the completion discount we could use after LO was born, but a few people did get us CD, wet bags, bum cleaner, etc.  I was over the top excited!
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We just added them to our registries (BRU has them online but not in store). We only ended up with 1 pack of sposies that we returned for credit.


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