I'm determined to have DD nap in her own room today. We had some set-backs in that dept when we went on a trip recently and now, she always wants to "sleep in mommy's bed." She's in her room now chatting away/not sleeping and I hear her through the monitor say "stinky poo poos".
I thought for sure she had gone and knew that she would never go to sleep without a clean diaper. So, I went in there and of course, nothing. She knows exactly what to say to get me to come back in there. How do they get so smart?
Re: master manipulator
On another note, how long do you think I should leave her in there? I can hear her tearing the room apart (nothing dangerous but she's pulling out all her diapers and books and stuff like that).
I really don't want to give in on this.
She's adorable! lol
I say if she's safe and you're ok with leaving her in there, just leave her.
Once the crying would start, I'd cash out but I'm easy like that.
Can you go in not say anything and put her back in her bed. Everytime you hear her get out of bed go in and do the same. Then if she keeps talking just let her talk herself to sleep but make her stay in bed.
Its annoying but that is what we had to do and every now and then still have to do for the girls.