March 2011 Moms

Problems with feeding!!!

DS has been taking a whole jar of baby food twice daily for the last month or so.  Now he will not take even a bite.  This has been the case for the last 3 days.  He takes formula just fine, which makes he think its not a problem with causing pain to swallow from a possible ear infection.  I'm thinking growth spurt?? Anyone experiencing this same problem?

Re: Problems with feeding!!!

  • Parker just started this too! He had shots last Tuesday and started antibiotics for an ear infection. THursday he started refusing his bad food. Turns his head and cries! He's also not taking all of his bottles. I ended up taking him back to the doc today to recheck his ears. They're fine.  She said it could be the antibiotics or drainage? or just a phase?     After reading your post, I'm wondering if it's a phase.
  • I wouldn't worry. Food for practice for now. If he is still taking formula and doesn't have a fever its probably a phase.
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  • It's probably a phase, like pp's have said. My LO hasn't really liked any of the solids we have given her. Sometimes we think she likes something and a few days later she gets this look on her face like, ":what is this crap?" There are also some days where she hates BF too.
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  • Is he teething?? My older son hardly ate any food when he had a tooth about to cut through the gumline. DS #2 is following the same pattern. He has hardly eaten baby food yesterday or today. But I'm not worried, he's still nursing just fine and the milk is much more important right now.
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