
XP: Birth Story if you are interested

All... I am proud to announce the births of Josiah James and Naomi Rose. After a rough night Tuesday into Wednesday, we wemt to L&D Wednesday morning. Things progressed quickly and we were headed into a c-section. Josiah James was born at 2:55 PM weighing 4 lbs 11 oz and Naomi Rose at 2:56 PM and 4 lbs 12 oz. The babies are in the NICU and being monitored closely since they were born at 34 weeks 5 days. They are doing well and we PRAISE GOD for their safe arrival. I am doing ok. I'm in some discomfort and also getting sick from either the pain meds or the anesthesia wearing off. I pray each day gets better for all three of us. I only got to see each baby in the OR. I am not able to go to the NICU until the morning. This hasn't been easy for me. I just want to see them. DH has taken tons of pics but I want to see them in person. For the NICU MoMs, any insight and/advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Josiah James

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Naomi Rose

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