Cloth Diapering

Diaper Bag

I am trying to figure out how large a diaper bag I am going to need.  This is our first child and we will be cloth diapering so we have to be able to carry everything that other moms carry plus the dirty diapers.  Did you find that an average size bag worked or did you have to get a large bag to fit everything?  TIA!!

Re: Diaper Bag

  • I started out with a typical bag (a Skip Hop Via) and I could never fit everything in the newborn stage.  Now I have a JJB Be Prepared and it is perfect.  I can fit everything I need for a whole day out, it has insulated bottle/cup pockets, it's completely wipeable, and there is an awesome separate "mommy pocket."  I can't say enough about it.
  • I have a Skip Hop Studio, and have never had a problem carting around everything we need.  I'd say its a pretty average-sized bag.
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  • I bought a backpack from Costco Sierra something or another.  It is awesome.  has tons of compartments and a place for my ipod
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