I had a succesful VBAC over the weekend:)))))

I dont post much on here but I know when i was pregnant reading through other womans stories helped me feel more confident:)

Friday i went to the hospital at 3pm with contractions every 6 min. They actually didnt think i was in active labor since I was still 2 cm dilated but the babys heart rate was dropping so I needed to be admitted to be watched. Good thing bc by 5pm i was in full out active labor. At 2am the Dr checked me told me to try to get some sleep and the baby would probably arrive between 430 - 730am. Well at 230 I went from 4cm to 9cm in a half hr. My daughter was born in the OR bc the cord was around her neck so in case i could not push successfully we had to be very very prepared for a c section. Luckily I was able to push with the help of a lot of nurses and my husband. I had a great MD who delivered my first baby and now our newest addition. Although it was a very scary situation due to the cord around her neck and that they had to whisk her off to a special nursery for fluids etc. We didnt get to hold her until 6 hrs after I delivered her...very very difficult to sit and wait to hear whats going on. Shes a healthy little girl and we are so blessed. I could not have been happier with the entire delivery. It was really amazing. im so happy i got this oppurtinity. Good luck to all those hoping to have a VBAC. Its def worth the chance to at least try:)

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