3rd Trimester

Watching the contractions on a monitor. What does number mean?

Most measured 20-25 for a minute. Some when up to 30. 
What the heck does this number mean? I don't remember what the numbers were when I was in active labor with first baby so I can't think of what to compare it to. 
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Re: Watching the contractions on a monitor. What does number mean?

  • nothing.  the ctx monitor (externally) measures how taught your belly is below teh device, and it does nothing to monitor strength of your ctxs.  if you cough, laugh, tighten your abs, baby moves then the numbers will change as well.  As the numbers change and show a rolling hill pattern then it allows the nurses to assess frequency and duration of ctxs.  the actual numbers they go to means diddaly squat to us.
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  • My understanding from previous labors and NST's is that the # isn't measuring the actual strength of the contraction.  I'm not sure beyond that though.  I had some pretty light contractions on my NST this morning that were measuring in the 20's before going back down.  I think it's more the length of the ctx, and the frequency that actually mean something.  
    My name is Julie. I'm a SAHM mom of 2 and married for 7 yrs! Missing my Angel Babies- 7/29/08, 10/11/10 both at 9 weeks. Another baby girl due in October 2011! BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I went in to get monitored when I was hurting a bit from contractions. They said all of us contract a bit here and there. I don't remember seeing numbers, but there was one of those chart lines with a safe area in the middle. If there is one of those lines on your monitor, you're okay as long as it doesn't look like a life meter.... You know, spiking up and down.
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