
Can someone dumb-down the new FB for me?

is there a way I can see the regular newsfeed? I tried the link that Cooker posted, but I am too dumb for it.
Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image

Re: Can someone dumb-down the new FB for me?

  • I honestly don't get all the confusion with this. Everyone is going nuts on fb but it doesn't seem that awful.
  • I *think* I've found an acceptable way to navigate this change.

    1) at the top of your news feed where you see "top stories", there is a little blue/gray triangle at the top left of the "top stories", click that to mark the story as NOT a top story.

    2), refresh your page. It will now show "recent stories" at the top. YAY!

    3) BUT now, you also have to go to your profile (click your name at the top of the page) and under your profile picture click "Subscriptions" and then on EVERY SINGLE ONE of your friends, you need to subscribe to their updates, (I picked "all updates").

    4) you need to let your friends know that when they post stuff to make sure their privacy on thier posts is set to "friends only" otherwise they will post it, and all of their "friends of friends" will see it.

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  • on the left, you have lists.  you can create a news list, and add all of your friends to it.  then when you log in, go to the left and click on whatever you've named the list.  you'll see status updates just like old facebook.

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  • I went to account settings and change to English UK and the view is the old least for now.
  • I still have the old version, DH has the new one. How weird is that? Maybe FB thinks I'm British!
    -Sarah, Ryan 10.26.05 & Caleb 5.2.07 image
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