Baby Names

Re: Abraham

  • I have the same problem with Abraham that I have with several names. Love the nn, not a huge fan of the full name.

    ETA: I'd probably lean more toward Gabriel with Gabe as a nn.

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  • Abraham is one of my favorite names! YesYes
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  • I normally hate the super biblical names (like Gabriel, which PP mentioned) but I love Abraham!  And like the other PP, I also love Abram (I might like that more).  
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  • Really love it!
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  • I hate it, but I'm clearly the minority. It seems like the name of famous historical people, not a real, living person. A little too overwhelming a name for one kid to bear. Way too biblical, and then you throw Lincoln on it....not my favorite.
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  • I really like it!
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  • imagefyziksgirl:
    I hate it, but I'm clearly the minority. It seems like the name of famous historical people, not a real, living person. A little too overwhelming a name for one kid to bear. Way too biblical, and then you throw Lincoln on it....not my favorite.


    This is how I feel. 

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  • Too old man (abe) and  too bibical for me.
  • I like Abraham but I love Abram more.  Abe is great!
    * DS1...allergic to dairy, peanuts, eggs and turkey *
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    love is for every her, love is for every him, love is for everyone
  • My 19 month old is Abraham John. He is Abe most of the time. It fits him perfectly. Love it :)
  • imagemagsugar13:
    Too old man (abe) and  too bibical for me.


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  • Like!  but Love Abram!
  • Really like. Although, Abram is my favorite boy name. I just cannot stand Abe :(
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  • Oldest DS was adopted from foster care and was named Abraham by his birthmother.  It wasn't really our style but we didn't have the right to change it until the adoption was final ( which didn't happen until he ws 4...way too late to change name IMHO).  They were calling him "Abe', "Abram", "Baby" ( he was 9mos), and "Bubby" ( shudder!).  Since he wasn't really answering to any of it, we chose to call him "Bram". Abraham is a classic name but it sometimes seems overwhelming  for a baby/toddler.  I think Abe is a fine NN even though I prefer Bram.
    dd(Brianna) 11/01/94, ds(Bram)10/17/95, ds(Jesse)9/26/97, dd (Annie Ruth) 7/27/05 5mc Jan '08, May '08, Feb '09, Sept '09, Apr '11 "And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one weak creature makes a void in any heart, so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of vast eternity can fill it up." - Charles Dickens

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  • Love. As of right now, this is in our top two if we have another boy next.

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  • Love Abraham. :)
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  • Love Bram


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