I went to my Dr apt today and everything is still looking good!! I am trying SO hard not to get my hopes up for a VBAC, but it is getting really hard as it is getting closer. We tested for GBS today and then he also checked me. I was 2/80/-1 and he said that LO is DEFINATELY vertex and nicely engaged in the pelvis! My DR is not going to induce until 41 weeks if needed, so I feel like I hopefully still have enough time to go into labor on my own.
My only "little" complaint is I feel like as much as DH is very supportive and has been great throughout this whole pregnancy he does not really understand my wishes for a VBAC. He just keeps saying, "well whatever allows everyone to be healthy and if that is a C-section that is ok". I told him that obviously I want baby and I to both be healthy, but it means a lot to me for him to be more optimistic about me being able to have a VBAC. Has any one else been in the same position?
I cannot believe I am getting so close!
Re: Update!
My DH was the same way and I actually got really upset with him one day because I didn't feel like he was really "on board" like I was. It turns out that he thought he WAS being supportive by making those comments. So, my advice is to talk to him and let him know that OF COURSE you want everyone to be healthy, but there is no reason to believe that a VBAC can't be that. And while you will happily consent to a cs if there is a need, you need him to make that more of an "unspoken" underestanding and he should try to make more positive comments on the VBAC side.
Good luck- I hope baby comes soon!
Good Advice!
OP - good luck. sounds like things are going well