Tomorrow I have a dr. appt. My office schedules inductions at 41 weeks. I will be 40 weeks Friday, so I am thinking they are going to want to schedule one to get on the calendar. I know everyone is different, but what are the odds I will be able to have a VBAC if I end up needing an induction? I had to have a CS w/ DD #1 because her heart rate kept dropping. Wasn't sure if that makes a difference. I am hoping I will go on my own, but I want to be mentally prepared if I have the induction. TIA
Re: Induction and VBAC Question
I was induced at 41 weeks with my VBAC and it was successful with no problems. My c/s was due to DS going into distress (his heartrate went down and they couldn't get it to come back up).
I would have waited longer for DD to come on her own but my hospital didn't allow VBACs past 41 weeks. I am grateful that I had the induction option because DD came out after only 30 minutes of pushing, so obviously her plan was to come out that way anyway and it would have been a shame to have to have major surgery for no reason!
Good luck to you-- I hope you go on your own, but if you are induced, there is still hope!