Right now Im at 6 pockets and an AIO since I just bought the trial and did the switch. I have prefolds that I havent used but will save those for DS being born in January as I have heard those are great for NB's.
What would you all recommend I build up to in order to cover my DS and DD without overspending and not having to wash daily (every 2 days is what Im shooting for). DD will be 19 months when Zach is born and Im hoping to get her fully potty trained by 2.5. She goes now when she wants but I dont force her as daycare wont take her to the next room and use the potty so I dont want her to get confused. If she wants to go she goes and if not oh well but Im hoping at 2 we really start training and I can pass down hers to DS without having tons of extras but if so I guess i could always sell.
I like pocket/flip and AIO's from what I can tell. Thank you guys!