
does your K student complain that there is more work

we put ds in a K class at his daycare center at the rec. of the director. he will be 5 in Dec. but is very bright and has a great vocabulary. We are moving out of state at the beginning of Nov and he director thought it would be a great was to challenge him for a few months before we move. Once we move he will go back to a pre K class. he can do the work no problem in the K class. I am amazed at how many sight words he already has but he complains it is too much work. last year I think he mostly played in school. I'm not sure if I am pushing him, but the level of work isn't hard he just isn't used to it. We only have about 6 more weeks here so I didn't know of it made sense to send him back to the pre k class (where there are just over double the kids!)


Re: does your K student complain that there is more work

  • Here in NYC the cutoff for public schools is Dec 31, so your ds would be in K this year over here.  Which doesn't mean that all kids that age are ready, but there are thousands of kids with December bdays that are managing it.

    That said, if he's not happy I don't see why you shouldn't move him back.  This isn't like an advance high school course where he should expect to be challenged.  The kid is only going to be 4 once, so he might as well enjoy himself.  He has plenty of time to work hard in school.  There's nothing wrong with just playing with friends.  

    Also, 6 weeks doesn't seem like a long time to an adult, but for kids that's an eternity.

  • She does not, but they're still tracing and writing letters and numbers. DD hasn't mentioned any sight words yet. She's only been in K for 2 1/2 weeks.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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  • He does not complain but I assume cause it's also a review from his 4yo PreK class where he did most of the stuff he is doing now...tracing numbers and letters which he can write on his own anyway because of his preK class.  He knows very few sight words but I am told by his teacher that they need to know 26 sight works by the end of Kindy. I'm in no rush for him and have confidence he will know them soon.
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