
Educational videos for 2 y.o.?

My DD has yet to show a real interest in TV but with the baby coming, I hope she'll start!

 Can anyone recommend some good videos for a toddler that have at least a little bit of educatonal value?  Thanks!

 (Can you tell I'm a teacher- haha)

Re: Educational videos for 2 y.o.?

  • The Leap Frog videos are great, and Dd likes them too.


    Start with Letter Factory. ?Next is Talking words factory, which is a little advanced for our DD's but she likes it too.


    DD learned all the letter sounds so quickly from that video, it was amazing.?

  • DD loves Dora.  It's interactive and they speak some spanish.  
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
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  • Old MacDonalds Farm by Baby Einstein is probably the best of all of them.  DS will repeat the words, dance to the music and afterwards, remember and talk about the animals and words he learned.  I love that it's only 30mins long too - good for while you're feeding the baby or doing the laundry.
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