
Potty training help

So I've been trying to start the whole potty training process with my DS for about 2 months now.  He has shown all the signs for being "ready" like telling me when he has peed or pooped, diaper staying dry for a long time, etc.  The problem is he just won't do anything on the potty, not even once!  He'll sit on the potty and it seems like he's trying to do something, but it's like he gets stage fright and just can't.  Any suggestions?


Re: Potty training help

  • My DS was like that, I started sitting him on the potty everytime I went and pretty soon he went too.  After that we spent one day at home all day and I gave him lots of juice.  I would take him potty quite often and he had so much juice that he needed to go and got lots of practice.  After that he had very few accidents.
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
  • wait a little while longer.  If he won't go, he isn't ready, trying to start the potty training for 2 mos. is too long. 
    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
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  • My DS was the same way.  The only way I could get him to go on the potty was to put him in underwear, catch him in the act and put him on the potty to finish the job.  Once he did that, he could recognize the sensations and learn from them. He learned pretty quickly, too.
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