
LIP: This makes me so sad

Re: LIP: This makes me so sad

  • Where I can somewhat see what they are saying, as a parent of children with special needs I can't imagine NOT having my children around.  Yes, I didn't "sign up" for parenting children with special needs they are here.  I can't imagine NOT having them around.  I think this is sad and those parents need a swift kick in the ass.
  • That is really sad and I feel awful for the little boy. What a heartbreaking story. But how on earth did the ultrasound tech and doctor miss that the child had no arms or legs? I remember seeing them waving around during the ultrasounds, counting fingers and toes, etc. It honestly sounds like they withheld the information to prevent the family from terminating. I feel like there's a lot to the story they aren't telling.
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  • I can't help but wonder if the parents have to word it like that to sue.  That way they have the money to care for him for the rest of his life.   Perhaps it was the only way.  Definitely should have been noticed on an ultrasound.  
  • All around sad. I can't imagine caring for a child that will face such a terribly difficult life. I'm sure the parents love him, but can you imagine the trauma they went through, and now are facing a lifetime of insane medical bills? I think we'd all say things that maybe aren't totally appropriate. I'll cut them some slack. If the DR was pro-life, you have to wonder... And hello, she didn't need an amnio as someone in the article acussed the parents of not doing. I place my $$ on the DR being pro life, but I'm cynical and am always wary.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • I agree with pps....I was astonished reading that title, but after reading the article, you have to wonder how the dr and u/s tech missed that.  There is no way *I* would have missed it (even with my first- the arms/legs are very obvious).  

    Unfortunately some people are not equipped emotionally/mentally to care for special needs children - and they maybe were aware of that.   This is a way for them to car for the son they weren't prepared for....which may also include years of therapy for the parents, as well. 

    Very sad situation.  

  • imagesoontobemomma:
    I can't help but wonder if the parents have to word it like that to sue.  That way they have the money to care for him for the rest of his life.   Perhaps it was the only way.  Definitely should have been noticed on an ultrasound.  

    That was my thought, too. 

    I'm happy the boy will be cared for comfortably, and seriously, how many people had to screw up for this to go unnoticed until his birth?!?

    Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
  • imageveloelle:
    All around sad. I can't imagine caring for a child that will face such a terribly difficult life. I'm sure the parents love him, but can you imagine the trauma they went through, and now are facing a lifetime of insane medical bills? I think we'd all say things that maybe aren't totally appropriate. I'll cut them some slack. If the DR was pro-life, you have to wonder... And hello, she didn't need an amnio as someone in the article acussed the parents of not doing. I place my $$ on the DR being pro life, but I'm cynical and am always wary.

    Yeah, I had a ton of u/s and at all of them they measured important parts and looked for important parts, 2 arms and 1 leg are not exactly things you can miss!  I hope that they are saying this b/c they wanted to win the money but honestly, just because they would have chose abortion does not mean they do not want their son now that he is here, they can still love him as much as if he was born healthy and might feel horrible that they would have aborted if they knew.  And I think it is wrong for almost anyone to judge them, does anyone know what it would be like to raise a child without arms and only 1 leg?  And I am fairly anti-abortion.

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • My first thought was pretty much that I'd hate to be the child knowing my parents would have aborted me knowing I was disabled. Great self-esteem booster for that child who is going to have a difficult life as is.  FWIW - I am pro-choice and have a SN child. My second thought was that the missing limbs should have been found on an ultrasound. My third thought was an ultrasound would have shown the issue. An amnio is not required as a part of pregnancy.
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