Cloth Diapering


Now that I have switched DD (Def. still learning :)) I want to make sure Im stocked and ready to go for my son being born in January.

 Right now I have about 6 pocket diapers for her and many inserts but thinking Ill need about a dozen more diapers for DD right? I also have 2 Flip covers I use.

For my son what is the best to start off with for newborns? Since I havent built up DD's stash Id like to use between the both and not get stuck with a bunch of smaller ones I cant use for long or large ones for her that wont fit him but didnt know how the OS works for newborns.

Any advice on what my stash should be like for each? What to share? Trying not to spend a fortune and give gift ideas for my shower :) Thanks!!

Re: Newborn

  • One-size won't fit a newborn for 1-3 months, depending how quickly he gets big. It took my guy 7 weeks to outgrow his NB stuff. The cheapest and most versatile would be prefolds - you can use them to stuff pockets later. For a newborn, I'd get 3 dozen plus 5-6 covers in XS/NB and 3-4 covers in S.

    Personally, we ended up using Green Mountain Diapers infant fitteds because I found a bunch cheap used. I also got 5 AIOs that we used during the night. We liked them, but we would have survived without them. 

    For DS, we use about 6-8 diapers during the day plus 1 overnight. I have about 20 pockets, which gives us 2 days + half a day to wash and dry + a few extra.  Most of mine are Kawaii, which are very inexpensive ($6-$10) and have worked well. If you'll be washing every day (which you might with 2 kids), you won't need too many to get by.

  • I have a 3 week old and I also really like the green mountain fitted (orange stitching). They are only like $6 a piece. I also like the kissaluvs fitted and the thirsties hemp prefolds, infant size. My favorite covers are the thirsties duo and the bummies lite. I do NOT like the Grovia newborn AIOs, Lil joeys or the fuzzibunz... they juse didnt fit right and leaked all over. With the prefolds and fitteds I feel like they contain everything better.... especially since I am nursing my baby. My favorite AIO is the grasshopper brand. I use them at night. They are a little pricey, but they are the only AIO that works and that I like. 

    The thirsties duo I think would be your best bet... the small size fits a newborn really well, and there is room to grow. Its obviously not as economical as the one size, but one sizes don't really fit a newborn, unless the baby is HUGE! :)

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