February 2012 Moms

I think I felt the baby move!?!

Last night I swore I was feeling him so I put my hand over my stomach and definitely felt it from the inside and outside. I asked my fiance to put his hand on my belly and wait ... about 5 minutes later he felt it too! It was almost like bubbles at first, but then like a small little kick. I have anterior placenta so I was not expecting anything yet. Really hoping it was him, but I am wondering if we can feel it on inside and outside what else can it be? Lol
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Re: I think I felt the baby move!?!

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    Sounds like baby to me...I think I was 20 weeks with my first when my hubby could feel him.
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    Yay!  Sounds like baby to me!   I also have an anterior placenta, and I can't wait until we can really feel our little one!
    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP 3.8.16  EDD 11.20.16


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    Last week (@ 17 weeks) I was feeling a bubble-like feeling too and thought maybe it was just gas.  It was a little different than gas though so I had my husband feel my belly and he could feel it too!  My mom told me it's too early to be feeling kicks from the outside but now that some time has passed, I'm completely convinced it was the baby!  I haven't felt it again since, though, so I'm just patiently waiting until the next time... Huh?
    <3 Rachel <3 
    BabyFruit Ticker 
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    I think I mighta last night and it was so exciting- probably the second good feel but I'm hoping to share with DH soon- I told him but didn't feel any more movement.  I have the ant. placenta too but the little one seems to be rolling around!
    image Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    TTC since 3-2008: v/c repair 2009; BFP: 7-2010, m/c 8-2010, c/p 4-2011, BFP: 6-2011 EDD: 2-12-2012?
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Today I am pregnant & I love my baby!
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    Yep, sounds like baby - it sounds just like what I felt a couple of weeks ago and now it's getting stronger and undoubtedly all baby! Enjoy!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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