
Incision pain w/subsequent pregnancies?

Yesterday I moved some clothes with my foot and I felt a popping sensation at my incision site.  It was very painful, but subsided to a manageable level.  I'm on the fence as to if I should call my Dr as it is no longer an intense pain.  It does hurt when I move my legs too fast, and when I get up and down.  I had a similar pain earlier in my pg, and was told it was scar tissue releasing/giving... I am pretty sure it is the same thing, but just wanted to see if any other mom's had experienced anything similar.

 TIA for any thoughts! 

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Re: Incision pain w/subsequent pregnancies?

  • I'm not pg again, but I've wondered how pregnancy would treat my scar - whether the tissue would pull and such. I can imagine what you mean by popping, and it sounds like maybe it was scar tissue pulling.


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  • While I did have incision pain with my 2nd pregnancy (especially near the end) it never lasted more than a few minutes.

    If I'm understanding yours has lasted over a day. I would call. 

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  • if it is still bothering you then yes i would call. 

    i had an off and on burning sensation below where my incision scar is and my Dr. told me it was normal to feel it stretching but what you are describing sounds different.

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  • I think I will be calling in the morning.  It isn't as bad as it initially was, but it feels very bruised and sore to the touch.  I have an appt on Weds, but I would rather touch base w/my Dr and see if she wants me in sooner.  It most likely is just scar tissue stretching or something, but it sure does hurt!  Thanks for the input :-)
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  • i would definitely call. i had a burning sensation near my previous incision that asked my doctor about and she told me to specifically call if it started to feel tender or bruised b/c it could be a sign that it's trying to open up. i hope that isn't the case for you but i would definitely check on it.
  • I was told it's normal.
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