Baby Names

Some quick help :)

Lily, Sophia or Amelie (Am-uh-lee)

Jacob, Lewis, Liam or George

thank you. would love it if you explain aswell your opinions

Gracie- 17 years old expecting our little spring baby girl on april the fourth! IAmPregnant Ticker BabyFetus Ticker

Re: Some quick help :)

  • Sophia - though popular, I like it the best by far.

    Lewis - underused and underappreciated.

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  • George, because it is classic but a little old-man-cool which I like.

    Jacob and Liam are just meh for me.  Lewis is OK, but would prefer it if it had some meaning for you (family name, etc.).

    I like Lily, but it is pretty common/popular these days.  If that doesn't bother you then go for it.

    I also love Lilla (Lill-uh, not Lie-luh), which is a lovely version but less popular. 


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  • I don't care about the popularity, if i like a name, i like. doesnt matter if it is in the top 100 or not.
    Gracie- 17 years old expecting our little spring baby girl on april the fourth! IAmPregnant Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • Lily - Love this name, although it's getting quite popular

    Sophia - way too popular for my tastes

    Amelie - Really pretty and underused - I like it a lot!

    Jacob - don't like and it's overused

    Lewis - Like this one and I rarely hear it!

    Liam - Love, but way too popular!

    George - this name is really growing on me and is on our short list. 

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  • Amelie - I'm tired of Lily and Sophia.  I do think you might have some spelling/pronunciation problems, if that matters to you.

    Lewis - Classic but not overdone.  Might get misspelled as Louis though.

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  • I love the name George! However, most people I know hate it (including MH), so if you're looking for a universal pleaser, you'd be safer with Jacob or Liam. But I love George!

    I think all of your girl names are nice, but Lily and Sophia are very popular. I'd go with Amelie because I'm not into top 20 names. Probably with the NN Millie, which I love.

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  • My preferences, in order:

    1. Amelie (Very pretty, and I think it would age nicely.  My only qualm is that it is so close to Emily)

    2. Sophia (I like the name fine but because of it's popularity I would stay far away away from it)

    3. Lily (I only think this name works on a child, however if you were to consider Lillian and just use Lily for a nickname I would like it.)

    1. George (Simple, classic, and not terribly popular for this new generation)

    2. Lewis (Not the most manly to me, but at least it's more unique than most)

    3. Liam (IMHO I'm not sure why this name has caught on so much, but I wouldn't use it just because it's so popular)

    4. Jacob (It's the #1 boys name in America and also...I think it's really boring, sorry)

  • I have a Sophia, and although popular- I have no regrets!  Love it, timeless and beauiful.  To be honest, I don't know any others in my daughter's school.  My other is DD is Isabella and same with that name.  Good luck!
  • Lily - I love this name. Sophia - I also love this name, but I am the type of person that doesn't want my LO to be the 3rd or 4th in the classroom. If you like the name, and could care less about that, it is a good name. Classic and timeless. Such a pretty name. =D Amelie - Also a great name. Your girl names rock! =D Jacob - I instantly think Twilight; however, Jacob is a great name and a great character from the book. I do like the name... a lot. Lewis - Different. I don't hate it. Liam - I feel that it is too popular these days. George - I think old man... sorry.
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  • Lily - Best out of the 3.Sophia - Not a fan. Too popularAmelie - I don't care for it just because of the pronunciation. I do love Amelia though Jacob - Blah - I honestly know like 15 Jake/Jacobs.Lewis - Dislike. Reminds me of Clark. Liam - Really likeGeorge - LOVE. Best out of the 4/all your names.
    evelyn 4.2010 | will 1.2012 | baby BOY due 12.2014
    pregnant and/or breastfeeding since 2009.

  • I like Lily and not really any of your boys names... sorry! Boys names are so difficult, we're having a tough time finding good ones...
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