Britt is in a townhouse apt with 5 other girls. 4 girls get along great with each other. The other 2??? Well lets just say there have been problems since the day they moved in.
It has esculated to the point where the 4 girls do NOT feel safe staying in the apt. They left in the middle of the night friday night to stay with one of the girls parents who lived 20 minutes away because they didnt feel safe. The dean of students have moved the 4 girls into the freshmen dorms temorarily pending the outcome of the meeting they have to hopefully resolved the situation. Hopefully those 2 girls will kick out of the townhouse.
The 2 girls have been smoking pot and people have called to complain about the pot smell. When the housing authority came to investigate Britt was the only one in the apt. so she got written up for it. Trust me we will be fighting this and we have filed a complaint.
There is so much more going on....but I cant believe the school has allowed this whole thing to go on this long and to let it get to the point where threats have been made against the 4 girls.
Re: trying to tame my inner mama
That's awful! I remember having a horrid roommate my freshman year and I felt so trapped by it. I hope Britt can get this worked out ASAP!
Is there any chance Britt has smoked pot within the past 30 days? If not, she should go immediately for a drug test through the school. If she has a clean drug test that's proof that she's not the one who's been smoking in the townhouse. Otherwise I'm not sure what to tell her to prove it wasn't her, but good luck dealing with all of this.
Ditto penguinn. Are you sure it wasn't britt? She's going to need to prove she hasn't been smoking pot to get her name cleared in this.
I understand the need to be a mama bear, but make sure you know all the facts first.
Britt is my straight & narrow child ... it wasnt her. The 4 girls have witness the other 2 smoking pot.
Britt already volunteer to submit to a drug test to clear her name.
What a mess. That stinks that Britt got a warning. I am glad the girls had a parent's house to go to that was close by. I hope this trouble gets straightened out quickly.
How far away is school from your home?
I don't understand why/how they would write her up just by virtue of her being the only one home. That doesn't make sense.
And not to be snarky or anything, but I was as square as they came when it came to stuff like that. Until I got to college. Things quickly changed. I wasn't a druggy or raging alcoholic or anything, but things that I would have never done when living with my parents were no longer shocking.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I get what ur saying Bubs and I agree. I know she drinks but as far as drugs go I'm 99% sure she just doesnt do them.
I get what you are saying that some stuff dont make sense. I'm only getting bits & pieces of information so I might have my facts confused with written warning thing. I never went away to college so I dont know how these things work.