Just a quick question <: I had my last ob appt at 10 weeks and they found both heartbeats (one was harder to find). Is it worth getting a home doppler or will I set my self up for a possible heart issue if I don't find one or both??
Twins born at 34w2d, Allison, 3lb,4oz-Ethan, 4lb7oz, both 16 1/2 inches. Out of Difficulties Grow Miracles
Just a quick question <: I had my last ob appt at 10 weeks and they found both heartbeats (one was harder to find). Is it worth getting a home doppler or will I set my self up for a possible heart issue if I don't find one or both??
nah, you'll become an expert at finding both hbs. I had to use my doppler everyday for the first trimester. I stopped around 16w. I was just so paranoid and the doppler eased my mind so much. I would have gone nuts without it
Re: Is a doppler worth it?
nah, you'll become an expert at finding both hbs. I had to use my doppler everyday for the first trimester. I stopped around 16w. I was just so paranoid and the doppler eased my mind so much. I would have gone nuts without it