When we have to set our clocks back an hour this fall, my girls will be off schedule. They already have an early bedtime/wake-up time (6:00 pm - 6:00 am), so when DST ends, they'll be wanting to go to bed at 5:00 and wake up at 5:00. How do I manage this so they keep their same bedtime?

Re: Thinking ahead to Daylight Savings Time...
Start pushing them back slowly. Like pp said, start putting them down at 6:15 and work toward seven.
When does the time change?
It's in November right?
Our plan is to start a week or two ahead of it and try to push back bedtime by 15 minutes every few nights.
We hope it doesn't kill us!
some people get all into moving things by 15 minutes in the week before.... We have never done that- and in 4.5 years, it's never been an issue. They might have a night or two where sleep isn't quite the same- but it always works out after that.
I never did anything. If I had to keep them up later I did, if I had to put them down earlier, I did that. They adjusted in a couple days.
I remember it did seem overwhelming when I first thought about it - but it was no big deal.