
My hospital is trying to be the VBAC hospital in the area!  This is great news.  I even asked the midwife if there was anyone I should avoid seeing and he said one doctor but the rest were very open.  Now let's hope this baby will be smaller.  I guess there is a glimmer of hope for a VBAC.
Sorry no paragraphs, bumping from my phone.
I once had a picture until the trolls showed up.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
TTC #1 7/08 PCOS dx 8/28/04 Met 1000 mg and Clomid cycles 1-4 1/6/09-5/2/09 BFN
Clomid 100mg 6/4/09=O'd=BFP on 6/29/09! Beta@14DPO 70.8 Beta@16DPO 152. EDD 3/7/10.
First u/s on 7/13/09 @6w0d heard and saw heartbeat 102 bpm.
K M #1 arrived via c/s 3/1/10 10 lbs, 22 inches long at 39 weeks.

Surprise expecting #2. Med-free BFP on 8/1/11! Beta@15DPO 58.2 Beta@17DPO 198.3 Beta@23DPO 2338. EDD 4/9/12
K M #2 arrived via c/s 3/19/12 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches long at 37 weeks.
"If we weren't all crazy we would go insane."

Re: Hooray!

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