
how much can you lift

hi ladies! this is my first time posting...i just had a c/s two weeks ago and we welcomed a second little girl to our family.  i can't remember though what they told me as far as how much i can lift.  i was thinking they said nothing heavier than the baby, but i can't remember for how long?  i need to run some errands today and that would mean lifting baby in her carseat carrier.  thoughts?  fwiw she was 9 lbs at birth.  TIA for the help! :)

Re: how much can you lift

  • I was specifically told the baby in the car seat was too heavy.
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  • I was told no more than baby and carseat. I had a big baby though, she was 9.2lbs
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  • I was told nothing heavier than baby until I was cleared at my 6-week appointment.
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  • imageAloe0l:
    I was told nothing heavier than baby until I was cleared at my 6-week appointment.

    This. DH had to carry the carseat.

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  • Yes no more than your baby for at LEAST the first 2 weeks.....what I did was

    just kept the infant seat in the car and took the baby out and fastened him in that way rather than fastening him inside the house then lugging the whole thing outside.  Then if i went somewhere I brought the stroller and very carefully and slowly lifted the baby from the car and to the stroller...... 

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  • I think I was told 10 lbs....but that is impossible

    ETA:  impossible if you don't have someone staying with you for the 1st few weeks

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  • I was told nothing heavier than the baby for at least 6 weeks.  But for me that was nearly impossible so after 3-4 weeks I was lifting the carseat with baby, walking the dog, vacuuming etc!
  • I was told no more than 10 lbs.  Definitely hard to do!

  • Nothing heavier than baby - but last time it was baby+carseat so I went with that again.  I abided by that for the first two weeks for the most part, but I have a 30 lb toddler and unless I have someone with me all day everyday I have to pick him up.
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