Cloth Diapering

Diaper Rash Question

New to LO has a diaper rash (it's mild, but enough to bother her when she has a wet/dirty diaper).  I've been using cream and sposies hoping it will clear up I wait to put her back into cloth until it's cleared up completely? 

How do CD mamas handle this situation?



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Re: Diaper Rash Question

  • A generous amount of California Baby diaper cream at every change has been the only thing to work for my rash-prone baby... sucks that it's so expensive, but I tried Grandma El's and CJs (only a small trial size) with my CD, and Desitin, Aveeno, and Triple Paste with liners or sposies. Aveeno was a close second, but dealing with liners was a pain.
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  • Agreed California Baby. We've only gone through 1 1/2 bottle this year (nov-Sept)

    Lots of air time ( put baby on a pre fold or a fitted with the butt getting some fresh air ) And change diapers frequently. We never use 'sposies, and I've found that if baby isn't used to spouses it might cause MORE redness.

    Also, make sure if you ARE using prefolds/fitteds, use a stay-dry liner between the fabric and baby's tushy. We used strips of fleece- it's cheap, doesn't fray, and works wonders.

    Shouldn't have to use it for pockets/AIO's. 

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  • No need to switch to disposables imo. If you had a rash in sposies, you wouldn't switch to cloth for the week to clear it up ;)

    Diaper cream, stay dry liner and some air time! 

    Liam 07/08/10 -- TTC #2 -- my cloth vlog -- & daily cloth diaper deals Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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