
Love my new MFM doctor - long :)

I just switched OB's so that I can deliver at a hospital with a NICU, just in case. I went to the "new" MFM today and love him! I was a little skeptical of my old OB, b/c they told me I was not considered a high risk pregnancy, one OB even said, twins really isn't much different than having a singleton, since you have di-di twins. They also told me I don't need to return to MFM unless there's a complication, and they wanted to do my a/s, rather than MFM, which I wasn't so sure about.

Well, today the new Dr told me he did consider me high risk, that our bodies are not made to carry more than one baby (but I could still "pull it off"), and to take it easy. DH told him I was still going to the gym, and he said "why?" haha... he said I could still walk, but it was not benefiting my babies at all, which I get.

Also, he told me to eat whatever I want, and eat when I'm hungry. I love that! W/ my last pregnancy my OB told me to stop eating.

He also said, at the end of the day, if all you've accomplished is keeping 2 human beings growing inside of you, healthy, then that's more than enough. He also supported DH's idea to hire a cleaning lady :) I think he recognized that I'm the type that needs to be a busy body and control freak, and he did a good job of scaring me a little. He said, jokingly, that I was the worst type of patient - carrying twins, and a nurse.

Ah - I feel much better and so glad that we decided to switch doctors! I see my new OB tomorrow so hopefully I'll be just as pleased. Just needed to share that! Oh, and my a/s looked great... 2 perfect babies so far! THanks for listening ladies!

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Re: Love my new MFM doctor - long :)

  • That's awesome news! Congratulations. Hopefully, your new OB is cool too.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • So glad that you like your new doc! I also switched OBs this week and it was a great choice. I was reluctant but feel so much relief! I am also a nurse and my OB told me the same thing! lol  Congrats on your two perfect babies! :)
    alicia & joseph, married 9/4/10 expecting twins 2/9/2012 two beautiful daughters from prior marriage, ages 7 & 4 one angel baby boy in heaven Pregnancy Ticker
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