I haven't been running because the only way I can run is with the kiddos and the mosquitos are TERRIBLE by us. I'm afraid of west nile, so I've been staying inside.
I found bug spray from California Baby, but I haven't used it yet.
What have you been doing to keep the ankle biters safe when they are outside?
Re: runners who live in areas affected by floods
ha! we used that as kids too.
I feel awful. DH had Reese outside with him for 5 minutes two nights ago while he uncovered and lit our grill and she had FOUR mosquito bites on her face and neck (only parts exposed) by the time she came back inside.
The mosquitos are terrible up here. I'm hoping tonight's frost will kill a lot of them.
I'm not a runner but one of my boys is just one of those people that always gets eaten up the second he goes outside. We had tried a natural bug spray that I bought at a natural food store but he was still getting eaten alive with that on.
After a really bad reaction to a bug bite, our pediatrician told us that we had to use a stronger spray like Deep Woods Off because the bug bites were more damaging to him than a spray would be. She has us spray it on the edge of his clothes and on his shoes so that we put as little on his skin as possible. We do have to lightly spray his skin sometimes too but we just make sure to avoid his hands since he puts his hands in his mouth sometimes.
ooh, i never thought of just spraying their clothes! good idea
another good idea, thanks!