I know we've done this a few times lately.
I'm sick with a super bad sinus infection so I haven't exactly been the Queen of Patience. Last night I may have told a certain 5 mth old who has been screaming her face off all night long to "stfu and go to sleep". I'm not proud but I needed to get it off my chest.
Oh M I have been there my friend, with Stella. It's not a proud moment but one I'm sure all Mom's have at some point when we're sleep deprived and frustrated!
We're considering turning Stella's car seat around. With the infant seat in our car behind the driver's seat, it's very uncomfortable for DH to drive b/c the seat has to be so far forward. We might turn Stella around and put her behind the driver's seat. I really wanted to wait until she was 2 or at least closer to 2 but it doesn't seem to be safe for DH to drive that way.
I am so glad I had a son, I am so over these cheerleaders - esp. the freshmen. Most of them are snotty or complete airheads. If I didnt have such a connectionwith the older girls, I would quit. Im glad this is my last season - even though my being finished after this season most lkely means there wont be a team in the winter, because I dont think theyve found a replacement coach.
Been there. Just a couple weeks ago Belle had her first ever tantrum in public. We were getting in line at Target to pay and she threw herself on the ground screaming. I could feel the whole stores eyes on us. I took her out the car while DH paid. The whole time to the car, strappnig her in the car seat, and waiting for DH to finish she screamed her head off. I lost my cool and told her to stfu. I regretted it right after I said it, especailly at her age. I still feel guilty about it.
We had to do this too, and Evan loves being FF