Repost from Natural Birth: Natural Birth - VBAC

Hi Ladies,

I posted this in Natural Birth and they've kindly pointed me here. 

I've just found out that I'm pregnant with #2 and am going to be touring a birthing center next week.  I have a 14 month old daughter and I had her via c-section after a 22 hour labor (long story).  Now I'm considering VBAC at a birthing center with a certified midwife.  I have bought Ina Mae's book as well as a great book on prepping for VBAC.  I'm planning to take a Bradley class in a couple months.  I think I've got most of my bases covered. 

I'm wondering if you know of a good list of questions to ask at a birth center?  I have a list of my own based on my prior experiences, but I want to make sure I'm really prepared.   



Re: Repost from Natural Birth: Natural Birth - VBAC

  • i can't help with your questions, but could you please post the books you are referring to???  thanks.
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  • Some things I would ask:

    -What restrictions do they place on VBACs?

    -What kind of monitoring do they do in labor?

    -How do they respond to emergencies like uterine rupture?

    -What is their VBAC success rate?

    -What are their transfer and c/s rates?

    -How do they handle the situation that led to your c/s. 


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • I answered over there as well, but posting here for other VBAC mommas.  GL to you!

    Questions for birth center:


    Tell us about your philosophies on pregnancy and birth?

    Tell us about your education/certification?

    Tell us about any continuing education, seminars or other meetings you attend regularly.

    Are you licensed by the state?

    Do you keep statistics about your births?

    Are you certified to handle emergencies ? neonatal resuscitation, CPR, Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics, Pediatric Advanced Life Support)

    Who typically assists you during births?

    Are there back-up midwives to support an extended labor or in the case of personal emergency/concurrent birth of another one of your client?s babies?

    How do you feel about doulas?

    What is your VBAC experience?

    Have you ever attended a VBAC that experienced a uterine rupture?  If so, how was it handled and what was the outcome?

    How long have you been delivering babies?  How many babies have you delivered?

    Tell us about times when a woman at a birth center required transfer to a hospital?

    Where is the nearest hospital and how do they treat patients (interpersonally) who require a transfer from your care?

    Are you able to transfer with a patient into the hospital setting when it is required?

    How do you monitor babies during labor/during a VBAC to ensure the baby is tolerating labor?  What are signs that baby is not tolerating labor and what do you do then?

    What is your vaginal birth success rate?

    What if I go to/past 42 weeks?

    What if I am Group B strep positive?

    What do you do if my water breaks prior to labor starting?

    Under what conditions (If any) would you consider artificially rupturing membranes?

    What reading/classes do you recommend for parents?

    What do you do to stop excessive bleeding after birth?

    Have you had any experience with shoulder dystocia?

    Have you had any experience with cord prolapse?

    What percentage of your clients tear?  What do you do to try to prevent tearing?  Up to what degree can you repair?

    How long can a client push during births you attend?

    What conditions would make me high-risk during pregnancy or labor that would require me to transfer?

    Where do your clients have blood work, ultrasound(s), glucose and other testing done?

    Do you handle the newborn blood screening tests or do we have to see our pediatrician for this?  Tell us about how you check baby?s health before we leave the center and/or in the days following?  Can we call you once we?re home if we have any concerns?

    I?m RH negative.  In the event of an accident during pregnancy, can you administer Rhogam?  Can you administer the shot post-partum if baby is RH+?  Do you have a mercury free version?

    Do you accept our insurance?  If not, tell us about our options.  If care is transferred midway through the pregnancy or during labor, how does that affect fees?


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  • Ladies,

    Thanks so much.  These questions are REALLY helpful.  There are things I had not thought about at all.  I'm excited about my "interview" but at the same time I have some trepidation, it's so different than last time.  But in a good way.  Does that make sense?  I had such a terrible labor experience last time and I was totally disconnected from the entire process.  I want this VBAC so badly so that I can be present for the baby's birth. 

    I appreciate your help.


  • You are really covering your bases and preparing well. I think you'll love Bradley and so great that you hired a doula!! :) GL with the interview!
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