
Hi gals! Can someone recommend a Powered Riding Toy?

Hope everyone is doing well. 

I'm wanting to get the girls a toy car.  They want it pink and I've foudn the Cadillac and the Barbie mustang.  Does anyone have these?  How are they?

Any others I should look into? 

 How are they at driving through the yard?

Thanks so much!

Re: Hi gals! Can someone recommend a Powered Riding Toy?

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  • We've had the Arctic Cat for almost 4 years's good.  I suggest getting a 2-seater, whatever you do.  

    We get it out about 1x/week now.....because it makes me a nervous wreck, honestly.  I'm afraid of E & G getting run over, a  head-on collision with the swingset, running over the dog, etc.  We don't have a huge yard (about 1/4 acre, I think), and due to zoning, our fenced yard  is basically the width of our house, so they can't do much more than circles right now.  H will occasionally let them drive on the sidewalk down a few houses. 

    We just replaced the battery this past a little over 3 yrs in.


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  • We have the John Deere Gator. The girls love it because of the cargo bed and tailgate in the back. They are forever hauling stuff around, giving each other rides, etc. It's easy for them to drive and has a nice handlebar on the passenger side. It goes in reverse as well. It drives the best on pavement. We have a very large lawn and it rides a bit slower/seems to work harder on the grass than on pavement or gravel. They definitely get a lot of use out of it.

    Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
  • We have the Jeep Hurricane.  It is tons of fun and the kids love it.  We have several acres the kids ride in on and hardly get stuck.  They used it last year to haul Maple Sap for making Maple syrup.  I would recommend a two seater.  Depending on where you are going to ride it, if it's sidewalks any of them should be fine, if it's on grass/rough terrain I would look at one with Monster Traction.
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