How do you get your work done? I am currently waiting to see if my job will let me work from home 2 days a week but i'm nervous about not being able to hold up my end of the bargain. They are alot of work right now but we can't afford full time daycare at the moment so it's my only option right now.
I am planning on doing most of the work nights and weekends and hopefully by making up the 15 hrs i'm not at work will suffice. I'm in marketing so most of the work is computer. I just get new business phone calls that can wait until i come back into the office. Mostly it would be the producers calling me. I just don't know if i'll be able to actually leave the house on those days incase they need something from me right away. I guess i could just bring the laptop to where i go just in case.
Curious to find out how you make it work and still keep your job
Re: quest for those that work from home
I work from home one day a week and some days are not so bad and I'm not going to lie, some days are really hard. I am definitely the most exhausted on my work from home day.
I really don't ever leave the house on my day that I work from home. There is just no way I would have time to get everything done and coordinate an outing. The only exception to that is if they have a pediatrician visit or something. I do schedule their checkups on Fridays (which is when I work from home) just so that I don't have to pick them up from daycare and figure that all out and take more time off work, I just let my boss know ahead of time that I will be off email for a certain period of time.
My job is mostly via email so when they were younger, I sat on the floor and had my laptop on the floor and would keep an eye on my email and answer emails from the floor. Now, it is harder because if I have my laptop on the floor, they would be all over it so if I need to answer emails or work on a project while they are awake, I use PBK Anywhere chairs to block the path to me so I can type quickly without little hands trying to get to the keyboard.
Basically, you get inventive.
If they are happy and playing independently, I will usually grab my laptop and try to get some stuff done so when they need me, I'm not so worried about being away from email for a little bit. I also knock a lot out during their naps, I really try to focus then and do as much as I can when they are asleep.
I say it's worth a try, see if you can figure it out. My boss and I have an agreement that if at any point, either one of us feels that it is not working out then I will stop but so far I have been doing it since I went back to work when they were 9 weeks old. Goodluck, I hope it works out for you!
Thanks!!! I am hoping it works out. It would help us so much. I really hope they let me do it. keep your fingers crossed!! Thanks!!
I work from home for 2 Real Estate Agents. I work from 10-15 hours a week. I use to work 30 hrs a week 2 days in office 2 at home. They guys I work for treat me like their daughter and have picked up the extra work I cant do. i am very fortunate
I do most of my work after the babies go to bed at 7pm or on weekends or when my Dad or brother stop in a can get an hour or 2 of work done. I am able to do some billing or gathering of info needed during day if boys are behaving.
Most of my work has a 3-7 day time frame to be done so I know when to plan on doing things. There is occasionally a email asking if I could make a phone call but they just ask if I can do it within the hour. There is also some days I dont work at all.
If I had daily assignments that needed done that day I honestly would have to have a nanny or babysitter. They are too unpredictable at this age and I dont feel I can give my full attention to work with them next to me.
Also I have an Iphone with work email. So if my bosses need something I can respond and let them know if I could do the work now or have to wait til they go to bed. I check my email all day long.
Good Luck with everything