Yesterday, when I picked ds up from school he was acting totally fine. Then all of a sudden in the car he started coughing, gagging, and whining like he was hurting. I kept asking him what was wrong and he just continued with acting like he was hurting.
When I got him out of the car he wouldn't stand up and wanted me to hold him, he was VERY flushed, sweating, and his face was sooo red. Still coughing, gagging, and whining. I thought his tummy was hurting or something.
We got brother from grandms, got back in the car and he started eating the orange grandms gave him and started acting fine again! Stopped doing everything he was doing and acted completely fine the rest of the night!! WTH. I know he was no faking b/c he was sweating and sooo flushed!
Re: Has your toddler ever done this
I would see if they gave him any kind of new snack at daycare. ?The gagging and wheezing would scare me like he was having a reaction or allergy. ?A bug bite? ?A lot of sugary snacks?
I would definitely talk to his teachers.?