RCS is scheduled for sat. 40 weeks and lo is still floating, no dilation, placenta is starting to calcify and my fluid is low. I've been crying all afternoon. Why can't I just have a normal birth like everyone else?
Gabriel 11/04/09 Vincent 9/17/11 Grace 8/02/13
Re: Well my body did fail
DC#2 born silent at 22 weeks 1.11.11
Dc#3 born vbac 1/2012 <bra DC#4 born VBAC 3/2014
I don't really think of it as the body failing, per se, but I understand what you mean. I just view it as life and our bodies just don't always do the best thing all the time...ie: eyesight is a common, good example of that!
But, also, you still have some time. I tried natural induction methods so that I could at least go into labor before my RCS at 40w 2d and it worked. (Well, I went into labor, so I guess it did!) I tried nipple stimulation and intercourse.