I'm 35 weeks and have been waffling my entire pg on whether or not to try for a VBAC. I had a nightmare labor and c/s experience and want to avoid it at all costs. However, I'm terrified of going through another 36 hour labor only to end up with major surgery again. My recovery was awful too.
So far the baby is head down and low but he's big. I think he's really big. DD was 8 lbs 9 oz. DH wants me to have a c/s because he thinks it's a "sure thing" and doesn't want me to have the same experience I did last time. But I really think I can do a vaginal delivery but am so unsure.
My doctor is willing to wait a few more weeks to make sure baby is still head down, etc. before deciding to schedule a rcs or to let things go and see what happens. I don't know what to do. I change my mind every day. Any insight you guys might have, I'm open to hearing!
Re: Anyone wait until 38 weeks to decide on VBAC?
What was the reason for your first c-section?
That could make a difference in whether or not you might end up with the same kind of labor.
I had 24 hours of labor and my baby was stuck in my pelvis. I ended up going with the RCS, though delayed, but that's because I also did not have a bad experience with the c-section. I can understand even more if you want a VBAC because your first c-section was not easy at all.
I had a 36 hour labor and Reagan never moved down and was sideways. I made it to almost 8 centimeters. So far this little guy is already head down and really low so that gives me some hope.
I loved Ina May's guide when I was pg with Reagan. I should reread for inspiration!
For me, the choice came down to this: Take the risk of laboring and still having a RCS, which could be emotionally difficult; or take the risk that I would regret not trying for a VBAC for the rest of my life. For me, I decided that I would always regret it if I didn't tried, and that I didn't want to give up on the opportunity to have a VBAC because of fear (that it wouldn't work out). But that is a personal decision and there is no right or wrong answer.
You can always schedule a RCS for as late as you can, and then see what happens. If you go into labor before the RCS, you can see how you feel and how labor is progressing. Even if you make it to the RCS date, you can always cancel or see if they can break your water to try and get labor going. Or just have the RCS, if that is what feels right to you.
With my first, I had 3 days of excruciating back labor. I was petrified of going through that again. I honestly didn't mind the c/s itself. It was labor that sucked! I only agreed to VBAC because I was assured I could stop and elect a c/s any time it looked like it would go down the same way. Even though my VBAC labor was still a day and a half, it was completely different and so, so much easier to handle. There was no part of my second labor, even pushing, that was as painful as even the start of my first. It's unreal the difference baby's position makes! Also, during my first labor, I was committed to going med-free, which I believe wore me out unnecessarily. With my second, I went without for most of it, but asked for an epi when I needed a break. I was able to sleep for a couple hours and when I woke up, I was completely dilated and ready to push. Wow! Compare to not having the energy to care what they do to me after three days. I think being open to the epi helped me realize it wouldn't be the same experience over again, even if I needed a c/s in the end.
I don't think there's a right or wrong answer, but you're definitely not alone in having a hard time making this decision. Good luck!