
Would you take advice from an unattractive person?


The Washington Post is running a contest to find its new career advice columnist. For the application you have to answer a couple of sample questions and submit an anecdote. You also have to submit a photo. Many people are upset about the photo requirement.

The final judging of the contest will be by the public.

If you were voting on an advice columnist, how much of your decision would be based on the way the candidates look?

Re: Would you take advice from an unattractive person?

  • Consciously - none. But plenty of research has documented that those deemed more attractive are more successful.
  • 0% of my decision would be based on the candidates look. Consciously anyway.
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  • I think you'd get more honest answers from a clicky poll!


    That said, I don't tend to look at actual attractiveness of people (like features), but what sticks out to me is how the person carries themselves, dresses, grooming habits, etc.

    That said, I'm known to go out in yoga pants or athletic shorts and a tank top and unwashed hair thrown into a pony tail, so take that FWIW.

    For an advice column? IDK. I think I might start asking people to PIP on here before I accept their advice :)  

  • Maybe not beauty advice, but anything else I don't think it probably wouldn't even matter on the beauty advice really. I'm sure there are plenty of unattractive people who know more about beauty than me. Plus attractiveness is so subjective...
    -Sarah, Ryan 10.26.05 & Caleb 5.2.07 image
  • It depends on what the column was giving advice on.  Besides, it's a print column; right?  You will only be seeing a tiny thumbnail photo of them, if you see a photo at all, when you read the column.  And I don't think the attractiveness of a person is necessarily what you judge them on.  For example, I didn't think Heloise was super attractive, yet she *looked* like someone who would know a lot about household tips.  KWIM?  It is nice to put a face with a name and it makes reading the advice more personal to the reader.
  • I would like to know what the person looks like.  Would I take advice from a man with a porn star mustache who looks like a child molester?  Probably not.  
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  • But what if he's a very wise porn start? Wink
    -Sarah, Ryan 10.26.05 & Caleb 5.2.07 image
  • Lol GHM!

    I think that people tend to listen to attractive people more and they just don't even realize it and I know how horrible that is.  But I would rather know how what the person thinks makes them successful themselves instead of a picture.

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • LOL!
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  • Wow. NONE!! Did anyone say that without doubt?! I would take advice from the person that was educated about the topic, from the person that was clear and assertive with their information, and from the person that was considerate and sympathetic. Nothing worse then someone giving advice that clearly isn't putting them self in your shoes. All people judge...sure. My judgements are made on the knowledge and experience of people opposed to their looks.
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  • I wouldn't take advice through a newspaper column period.

    Advice from an unattractive person in general?  Sure.  Why not?

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • imageridesbuttons:

    I wouldn't take advice through a newspaper column period.

    Advice from an unattractive person in general?  Sure.  Why not?

    LOL!  Good point!

  • Actually, I have trouble taking people who are extremely attractive/overdressed (i.e. too trendy) seriously.  Like, anytime a supermodel opens her mouth about health or an actor about politics, I want to slap their mouth shut.

    I think I both consciously and subconsciously take the advice of those who LOOK intelligent, not simply pretty/handsome, although neatness of appearance is a big draw.

  • Why is it assumed that if they ask for a photo they are wanting to know if you are good looking or not? 
  • imagejoseysbride:
    Why is it assumed that if they ask for a photo they are wanting to know if you are good looking or not? 

    This. Maybe they just want to weed out the Internet trolls.

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