Anybody with successful VBAC wish they would've done RCS?

I had a c/s after pushing for two hours and finding out that I was only 7cm (the resident OB at the hospital misjudged me, along with two nurses). They had to push DD back up so they could pull her out via c/s. It was a traumatic experience after 27 hours of labor.

Anyhow, right after DD was born, I said that I'd be doing a RCS at 38 weeks (DD was 8 days late). :) Well, now that I'm pg again, I'm considering attempting a VBAC. But I keep thinking about how hard it might be to recover from a vaginal birth if I have tearing.

I'm just wondering if any of you have regretted the VBAC and realized that the recovery from the first c/s was easier than the VBAC?

Maybe this is a crazy question because the answer is always no. :) 

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Re: Anybody with successful VBAC wish they would've done RCS?

  • Wow, that's crazy that that happened to you in the first place!  Were you induced/had an epidural?  That does sound rough and I bet it messes with you mentally since it was also an error on their part.

    I can't speak personally b/c my VBAC even with tearing and some granulation tissue issues afterwards was still so much better than my c/s both physically and mentally.  However, I do know that one of my chiropractor's current clients just had a VBAC and had some major issues with delivery.  Of course I'm not sure how she feels about her decision to do the VBAC.

    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I haven't VBAC'ed, I'm still sitting here waiting to go into labor. I will say that I think emotionally, just having a RCS would have been easier for me. Every day I get closer to my deadline, and the OB even gave me an extra week last Friday, and still, no progress. I just keep thinking that I could have met my baby a week ago- instead of sitting here feeling all frustrated. If I do go into labor, and get the opportunity to VBAC, of course I will be thrilled with my decision, but as the clock ticks on, I get more and more unsure of why I wanted to do this to myself.
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  • I'm very happy with my choice to VBAC.  I don't think one recovery was physically any easier than the other for me--they were just different.  I had a 1st degree tear, no stitches.

    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • imagelmjt:
    I haven't VBAC'ed, I'm still sitting here waiting to go into labor. I will say that I think emotionally, just having a RCS would have been easier for me. Every day I get closer to my deadline, and the OB even gave me an extra week last Friday, and still, no progress. I just keep thinking that I could have met my baby a week ago- instead of sitting here feeling all frustrated. If I do go into labor, and get the opportunity to VBAC, of course I will be thrilled with my decision, but as the clock ticks on, I get more and more unsure of why I wanted to do this to myself.

    I think planning a RCS would definitely have been less stressful for me while I was pregnant.  I would have know what was going to happen and when instead of wondering if I would go into labor, if I would go postdates, if the VBAC would work out, etc.  I do think that is a downside to VBAC, as well as the chance that you may end up with a c/s anyway.

    I hope you meet your baby soon.  I went pastdue with my first and it's rough.  Hang in there! 


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • imageCarolinaGirl051708:

    I had a c/s after pushing for two hours and finding out that I was only 7cm (the resident OB at the hospital misjudged me, along with two nurses). They had to push DD back up so they could pull her out via c/s. It was a traumatic experience after 27 hours of labor.

    Anyhow, right after DD was born, I said that I'd be doing a RCS at 38 weeks (DD was 8 days late). :) Well, now that I'm pg again, I'm considering attempting a VBAC. But I keep thinking about how hard it might be to recover from a vaginal birth if I have tearing.

    I'm just wondering if any of you have regretted the VBAC and realized that the recovery from the first c/s was easier than the VBAC?

    Maybe this is a crazy question because the answer is always no. :) 

    For me, I tore and my recovery was still much easier.  They don't stop you from picking up your toddler, etc.  So, clearly I did not regret it.  My SIL had a terrible vaginal delivery with a tough recovery and they have suggested a c/s for her next time as a result.  I'd say that is generally the exception and not the rule.

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  • I had a "tiny" episiotomy and I don't regret my decision one bit....probably the best one I've ever made.  Sorry.  I'm no help.  ;-)
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  • no! 2nd degree tear, no idea about # stitches. My c/s recovery wasn't horrible but vbac recovery was 1000x easier and better.

    pushing + c/s is supposed to be the worst type recovery (within the normal realm, no major medical issues). you,ve already done that, so you know the worst it'd likely be.

    - Jena
  • I would NEVER NEVER schedule a RCS over a Vbac- As c-sections go my recovery was easy but my recovery from my vbac was a MILLION times easier and better.

    I am pg again and planning (and hoping) for another natural vaginal delivery!

    I understand the that there are a lot more unknowns (waiting for labor, not knowing if you'll be successful, if your Dr's will REALY be supportive, etc...) but in the end all of the "unknowns" were totally worth it.

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  • I would have a VBAC again in a heartbeat! I took it a step further and had an HBAC (home birth after cesarean) because my daughter's c-section was so unnecessary and I knew I could do it. I didn't want to allow anyone to convince us that it was necessary again. Healing from my c-section wasn't awful, but it was definitely harder than the VBAC. After giving birth to my son, I was up and around very quickly and even cooked that day (because I wanted to, not because I had to).

    Do the VBAC if you can...it's worth the wait!!!

  • My VBAC recovery (1st degree tears with stitches) was so, so, SO much easier than my c/s recovery. An hour after giving birth, I was walking around, bending over, carrying my baby, the works. I was a bit sore for a few days and I was a bit slow to move around, but that was it. I felt amazing.

    That said, even though I don't at all WISH I had had an RCS, I don't believe for one second that I'd be regretting it if I had. A planned c/s recovery is almost certain to be easier than one after three days of unmedicated back labor. I know many women on this board were resolved to VBAC from the start, but for me, it was not an easy decision to come to. In retrospect, I don't think there really was a wrong answer. Either way, I'd probably have had a better experience and I'd have a healthy baby in my arms at the end.

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  • I had a 2nd degree tear with my VBAC and my recovery was still 100x easier than my c/s.

    To answer your question, absolutely not :)

  • I was very nervous about my VBAC in the weeks leading up to it.  I scheduled a RCS just 4 days after my due date (doc would have let me go 8) because I wanted to get it over with.  But I'm so happy with my VBAC!  My water broke, I was in labor for 1.5 hours, no epidural (ouch!), and out he came.  I had a 3rd degree tear and plenty of stitches, but I prefered it to a c-section a million times over.
  • I had a sucessful VBAC just over 2 weeks ago.  I ended up with a 2nd degree tear & 6 stitches but my recovery has been way faster & easier than with my c-sec.  In fact the tear has not hurt at all as it healed, just itchy from time to time. 
  • I had a successful VBAC with my daughter last year.  I tore had stitches and had some extra scar tissue issues. I do not regret the decision and it was a WAY easier recovery than the c-section.  I will be trying for another VBAC for this pregnancy.
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