
Back from the Dr.

No ear infection - she has a little fluid behind one ear, but no infection. She could see how miserable she was, she cried every time I moved her and every time she had to not be held by me she freaked out. The pedi checked EVERYTHING but thinks she just as a virus that needs to run it's course. She is sleeping now - thank god! So hopefully she sleeps it off. My poor little pumpkin.

Re: Back from the Dr.

  • Hopefully she wakes up feeling better! 
    Liam is 5!
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  • Poor girl!  I hope she feels better soon.
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  • Aw, poor thing. Glad to hear it?s not an infection. I went through that a few weeks ago?ear pulling, no eating, inconsolable crying, etc?ended up being the same thing. Hope it runs it course quickly!
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • Since my DC's are rarely sick and once I know it is not an ear infection I figure it is teething and give Motrin before nap and bedtime.  Poor little thing...hope she is feeling more herself soon.
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