I was due on the 10th, and I wasn't supposed to go far past my due date because I have GD. So originally I had a RCS scheduled for the 13th, but my doctor decided that it was ok to go another week because my sugar has been very well controlled, and the baby wasn't big and doing well. So we pushed the RCS back to the 19th. I'm starting to feel desperate. As of last Friday I had made zero progress. I have an appointment tomorrow, plus my pre-op for the RCS, which is making the RCS feel like an even more real possibility. I know I still have a few more days, but I just don't feel like he's coming. I have almost no contractions, BH or otherwise. I know that I've done what I can to wait for him to come on his own, but I still feel broken.
I wish I could ask for more time, but I know that there's no way they'll let someone with GD go to 42 weeks, when they generally want the baby out at 39 weeks.
Thanks for letting me get that out.
Re: I feel my VBAC slipping away
ugh ... this is one of my fears.
can you fit in some acupunture/acupressure/massage??? my practicioner has a 'tx plan' beginning at 36/37 weeks to try and jump start natural labor and increase the chances of a vbac.
good luck ... i hope you can do it ... and i'm glad your doc is somewhat flexible.
i see that you are in queens (i'm in flushing : )
above is a link to the woman i see (laurel at yinova) and her plan for getting labor going. she is pricey, but i highly recommend getting in to see her if you can. she helped with my fertility issues, and helped a friend 'turn' her breach baby.
good luck
I have no words of wisdom..... but I'm wishing you lots of positive labor vibes! Remember that you can go into labor at any moment... from nothing to contractions.... whenever the baby is ready. There's still time!
Good luck and keep us updated!
Ditto all of this, and remember that having made no progress doesn't really mean anything about when you will go into labor or how fast you will progress! I have my fingers crossed for you!
Sarah - 12/23/2008
Alex - 9/30/2011
"I say embrace the total geek in yourself and just enjoy it. Life is too short to be cool." - Shirley Manson, Garbage