Has anyone had a failed induction with no dilation that ended in c/s with their first and gone on to have a successful VBAC? I was induced with DD, but I never dilated. I was 3 cm when I went in and labored for almost 24 hours on Pitocin and still was 3 cm when they ordered the c-section due to low blood pressure. My OB will not consider me a candidate for a VBAC since my body did not respond to the Pitocin and I am trying to decide whether to pursue switching to another OB. I have looked over a lot of the posts, but it seems like everyone had some sort of progress on Pitocin even if the labor stalled at 6 or 8cm.
Re: No dilation when on Pitocin
How far along were you when induced? It's completely possible that your body was just not ready to go into labor.
I don't quite understand why it would prevent you from being a VBAC candidate. Does your OB think your cervix will never dilate? That's a little ridiculous, not to mention there is no way to know that based on 1 failed induction. And most OBs wont induce or augment VBACs, so your body's response to Pitocin is likely irrelevant, even if it were to be an issue again.
If you want a VBAC, I would definitely find another provider who is more supportive!
^This, and I'd also add? is there a possibility of cervical scarring, e.g. from a prior LEEP procedure? That could impede dilation, but can be resolved before labor if you know about it.
THIS!! You need to find a new OB. It's ridiculous to think you won't ever dilate because you didn't with Pitocin, if he understood that Pitocin is the synthetic version of what you make when you go into labor on your own then he would know that your body was just not physically ready for labor and that is why you failed to dilate. I would run far away from that OB, and make sure to do your research before hand too! It helps to be prepared with information to throw back at the Dr. and see how they respond! You will find a VBAC friendly OB, but your Dr. is certainly not one of them!
I'm sorry, but that's just silly. I don't get the reasoning behind that at all, at least from a medical professional that should know better.
I was induced at 40w for PIH using Cytotec, Cervadil, breast pump and maxed out on Pit (20/mL?) after three nights and never got past 2. I went home b/c my bp had gone down.
At 40w6d I went into labor on my own and got up to 9 before put back on Pit and only got to 9 1/2 and had a c/s for FTP (really failure to wait, imo).
Had my VBAC this March with an even bigger baby at 40w1d!
ME! I was induced with prostaglandin gels and then with pitocin. I never dilated past a 1.
I had my successful VBAC two weeks ago. I was honestly worried that I just couldn't dilate. And honestly, I had a really long labor and I think that was partially because I never dilated before so I was like a FTM. But I was lucky that my MWs trusted my body and didn't put a time limit on my labor. You can read my birth story a few posts down. But I did go into labor myself, and I made it to 10cm on my own.
I definitely think you should look for a new OB or MW. Someone who is more trusting of your body and who will not put the pressure on when you are in labor and maybe you take a little longer to dilate.
I had every induction drug/procedure you can think of (cytotec, cervadril, pitocin, water broken) thrown at me over the course of 4 day and never dilated. I ended up with a c-section when the max dose of pitocin wasn't doing anything. And still, my docs consider me a VBAC candidate.
I am so happy to read all of these posts here though as I am worried that my body just won't do it. My docs are willing to let me go to 42 weeks though because they now agree, my babies need to cook way more than 40 weeks.
Thanks for all of the responses. She basically said that she would do a VBAC for someone that had a failed induction with some progress, but wouldn't do a VBAC for someone that had a failed induction with no progress. I am a little worried though because this is the only office that delivers at the hospital closest to me. I'm not sure if the other OBs at the office feel the same way. Otherwise I am looking at having to deliver at a hospital an hour away (more like 1.5 hours if I go into labor during rush hour.)
I was 38 weeks when I was induced due to cholestasis. If I need to be induced, I've already decided to have a repeat c/s.
Your body probably just wasn't ready. Inductions on FTMs have a very high failure rate. That's a reflection on the limits of medicine, not your body.
I have to admit I sorta rolled my eyes when I read what your doc said. Really? That's her reason for not doing a VBAC? It should have no bearing at all how you respond to pitocin (a synthetic version of the real thing!) because most doctors won't even let you use pit when you're attempting a VBAC! My doc has even said I have greater chances of a successful VBAC because I didn't dilate past 4cm.
If you want a VBAC, I think you should absolutely go find another doctor.... whether it's far away or not. At least go interview them and see what they have to say! Maybe they can reassure you that your first doc was being an idiot