Minnesota Babies


Every year I lament how fall seems nonexistent.

What do you do with/how do you dress baby when it is cold out?  Our little tank is weighing in at over 15 pounds at 3 months and is filling out the 3-6 months sizes right now.  He is an active guy so I have a hard time keeping socks or pants on him and find that he is in sleepers pretty much all day every day.  Plus, there is a great likelihood that we will transition away from the "bucket" car seat in the dead of winter - he is over 25 inches right now and if he keeps up at this rate, I think I might need to look at toddler clothes!  

Do any of you have recommendations on how to keep him snug?  I put a hoodie on myself when we took the dog outside this morning and would like to keep up our a.m. walks.  I tried a blanket over the baby but he kept picking it up and eating it or kicking it off.  What do I need to know/do to keep baby warm?

Thank you! 

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Re: Cold!

  • Last fall with DS, I usually put a fleece jacket over what ever he was wearing and his blanket.  The blanket usually didn't stay on, but I figure it still helped some.  I highly recommend robeez (or the knock offs) for keeping socks on. 

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  • With DD I always put her in long sleeved shirts/zip up sweaters and pants.  For infants they have the pants with the footies, those are awesome for winter.  We just used a blanket to cover her, she never pulled or kicked it off.  Maybe try a larger blanket that if he does pull or kick it won't come off of him.

    I found that the regular little ankle baby socks suck.  I got the $1 socks from Target that have the crew top and I pulled them up to her knees.  They almost never come off unless she is pulling them. 

    It was nice having the infant seat in the winter because we could keep it warm in the house.  When we switched to the convertible seat we always made sure to warm the car when we could.  I felt so bad putting her in a freezing seat. 

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