Hawaii Babies

*** MauiBride2008 ***


BTW, GREAT job based on your new siggy Yes  I'm still trying to get my arse in gear hear.  Maybe when R gets more predictable in the mornings I can schedule in the workouts better.


I feel like it's an embarrassing amount of weight to lose, so I've avoided mentioning numbers for a long time (and I know I'd already lost some bit of weight since the boys were born so god only knows how much I gained in the end!), but then I decided -- hey, I'm doing good, I'm working hard, so who gives a sh!t that I don't have a "only 5lbs to go before my bikini vacation!" ticker. Know what I mean? Stick out tongue

Most of my weight loss at this point has just been due to watching my portion sizes, since we already eat pretty healthy food - I'm not super strict with calorie counting, but I do loosely track it to make sure I'm within the same range every day. And I cheat every Friday for dinner, when I get whatever I want (pizza, burger and fries, etc.) and however much I want of it (which I know is probably bad, but knowing I can have the large fries - even if that's not what I order - helps me not feel deprived).

For now, I'm getting all of my exercise indirectly - no gym visits or workouts, just trying to move more (like walking the boys in their stroller the 20 min each way to the playground instead of driving). I'm sure that will change once my weight loss starts slowing down and I need to kick it up a notch, but I know from past experience that if I fling myself headlong into dramatic diet and exercise changes, I get burnt out really quickly.

Re: *** MauiBride2008 ***

  • imageredshoegirl:
    And I cheat every Friday for dinner, when I get whatever I want (pizza, burger and fries, etc.) and however much I want of it (which I know is probably bad, but knowing I can have the large fries - even if that's not what I order - helps me not feel deprived).

    congrats, that's great....and FWIW my dad had a personal trainer and it was in his meal plan to have one meal of "whatever you want" :) so you're not really cheating!

  • imagemrspresley:

    And I cheat every Friday for dinner, when I get whatever I want (pizza, burger and fries, etc.) and however much I want of it (which I know is probably bad, but knowing I can have the large fries - even if that's not what I order - helps me not feel deprived).

    congrats, that's great....and FWIW my dad had a personal trainer and it was in his meal plan to have one meal of "whatever you want" :) so you're not really cheating!

    This is really good to know! I've found that having that one meal per week REALLY helps me not feel deprived the rest of the time, and helps me keep my willpower when I'm craving something I shouldn't be eating. Like, "Hmm, I really want one of those Mega Sized Stuff Your Face Ultra Fatboy Brownies with my latte. But if I have that, then I don't get to kick back Friday night eating pizza and beer while watching crappy TV with Ben, and that's a lot of fun. I'll skip the brownie." 

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  • Great job!  :)  And the small changes really help to and it doesn't make you feel like your "dieting".  I'm like you that when I dive into full blown dieting I give up QUICK!   The only time I was able to dive in was for the wedding and lost 20+ pounds, but after the wedding I gained it all back pretty quickly. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    | Olowalu, Maui ~ August 6, 2008 |
    | Family of 4 ~ April 2, 2011 |
    | Family of 5 - October 24, 2012 |
  • imageMauiBride2008:
    The only time I was able to dive in was for the wedding and lost 20+ pounds, but after the wedding I gained it all back pretty quickly. 

    LOL well you did better than me! I kept meaning to lose weight for our wedding, but never got around to it. Then suddenly it was the week before the wedding and I was all, "Well...shiit." Stick out tongue

    I just found out that there's a gym in town that has a free daycare (max 2 hours, and I think it's only 1-2 days a week), so now I'm thinking of revising my "not bothering with a gym right now" approach, if only so I get a little me time for those few hours lol.

    What kind of exercise/eating strategy are you taking?

  • imageredshoegirl:

    What kind of exercise/eating strategy are you taking?

    Well now that we are settled into our new home I have been laying off the fast food ;)  We are starting to walk in the mornings to go get the mail (the mailbox is quite a ways away so it's actually a walk).  I was running when I got pregnant and stopped when I was about 20 weeks because I was like "f this, I'm too tired for this crap"!  Trust me when I say I was never a runner, but I tried the Couch to 5k program and it was really easy to get in to. Once I got used to running I actually liked it...so weird to actually say that. 

    So for now I'm just doing cardio and once I get into the actual routine I will start adding weights down the road.  When I lost weight for the wedding I followed this book.  Normally I don't follow books, but I liked it because it laid everything out for me like routines for how long/when, etc.  If it's not laid out for me, forget it.  That's why I wish I could afford to get a personal trainer because I need to be told how/when to do things.  For now, I have to lay everything out what I'm going to do for the week so it's right there and I don't have to think what I'm going to do that day.  If I have to think about it...I don't do it ;)

    It's all easier said than done though, right?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    | Olowalu, Maui ~ August 6, 2008 |
    | Family of 4 ~ April 2, 2011 |
    | Family of 5 - October 24, 2012 |
  • imageMauiBride2008:
    Trust me when I say I was never a runner, but I tried the Couch to 5k program and it was really easy to get in to. Once I got used to running I actually liked it...so weird to actually say that.

    This is good to know - I've thought about doing that program many times, but my pure hatred of the evil that is running always stops me. Maybe I should give it a shot?

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