Infertility Veterans

Vent: I will never be out of debt :(

So our plans for buying a house once we got back from India may have been thwarted. 


While we were gone our cars were due for inspection.  My car is a 2010 Elantra so it passed no problem.  DH drives my old POS '96 Taurus.  It's been a great car, but it's getting old.  I figured we may have to fix a few things.  Ha!  Estimated repairs for it to pass inspection?  Almost $2k!  Like we have that kind of $$$ hanging around after we just spent most of our emergency fund (almost $3k) on tickets to India to deal with MIL. 

So we'll be car shopping this weekend instead.  I'll have to talk with the mortgage guy to see if this is going to screw our credit up (new car loan).  Not that we have money for a house downpayment now with everything that's gone wrong anyways.  And not like we need a house since we have no kids to put in one.


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Re: Vent: I will never be out of debt :(

  • (((hugs)))  glad you're both back and hope you're feeling better...
    TTK 9/06 / TTC 10/08 / Twins 12/11 / Life Blog
    5 REs + 3 surgical hysteroscopies for septum/lap + 3 failed IUIs
    IVF w/ICSI/AH & acu = BFP!, unexplained spontaneous m/c @ 8w2d (our little girl),
    FET w/acu = BFP!, B/G twins!, lost MP @19w, dx w/funneling cervix @20w,
    twins nearly lost to IC @21w, saved by rescue cerclage, 17P & 16w of bedrest
    Our twins born @36w4d via CS when A came foot first

    Thankful for every day

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • imagekthappy76:
    (((hugs)))  glad you're both back and hope you're feeling better...

    Feeling MUCH better.  Flagyl is da bomb!

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  • Hugs. I'm sorry you are dealing with unexpected expenses. Unfortunatly, I know how you feel... We just had to drop $2,000 on a new well pump so we could actually have water.
    TTC #1 since October 2008. Dealing with MFI.
    IVF #1 w ICSI in July 2010 = BFN
    IVF #2.1 in Oct 2010 converted to IUI = BFN
    IVF #2.2 w ICSI in Dec 2010 = BFN
    Met with new RE in new city on 1/31/11.
    IVF #3 w ICSI in April 2011. HPT on 5/9 = BFP!
    Beta #1 on 5/10 (10dp5dt) = 99.4. Beta #2 on 5/12 = 284. First u/s on 5/26. = Fraternal TWINS!
    Twin boys born & lost on 8/16/11 at 18w1d due to PPROM & preterm labor.
    IVF #4.1 in Jan 2012 converted to IUI on 1/7/12 = BFN
    IVF #4.2 w ICSI in Feb 2012. Lupron on 2/10. Stims on 2/18. ER on 2/29- 7R,6F
    ET scheduled for 3/5/12- nothing to transfer :(
    Dh seeing new MFI uro & Dh starting meds- June 2012.
    IVF #5 in Dec 2012 = BFFN.
    IVF #6 planned for Spring 2013. Praying for our take home baby/ies.
    **P/SAIF and P/SAL always welcome!**

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • ((hugs)) I'm sorry. We're having to face down our debt as we try to make it through adoption homestudy. It's so tough.

    Trying to grow our family with both fertility treatments and adoption since March 2009 
    IUIs#1-4 = BFN, IVF#1 = c/p, IVF#2 = OHSS, FET#1=BFP
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • imageAnasara:

    (((hugs)))  glad you're both back and hope you're feeling better...

    Feeling MUCH better.  Flagyl is da bomb!

    Yay!  I was on that a few mos. ago, it is good stuff. 

    I feel ya on the bleeding $, we just had to sink $5K into our basement to get A/C and hot water back after the flood.  Good times.  I vote for renting.

    TTK 9/06 / TTC 10/08 / Twins 12/11 / Life Blog
    5 REs + 3 surgical hysteroscopies for septum/lap + 3 failed IUIs
    IVF w/ICSI/AH & acu = BFP!, unexplained spontaneous m/c @ 8w2d (our little girl),
    FET w/acu = BFP!, B/G twins!, lost MP @19w, dx w/funneling cervix @20w,
    twins nearly lost to IC @21w, saved by rescue cerclage, 17P & 16w of bedrest
    Our twins born @36w4d via CS when A came foot first

    Thankful for every day

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I can definitely see why you are frustrated.  I hope things start turning around for you and that your mortgage rep can work something out so you can still get into a house. 
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • omg.  I totally understand...  My credit card, has now surpassed what I owe on my car- due to IF expenses... ugh.

    DH always tells me- which I want to ring his neck sometimes "things could be better, and things could be worse" which I find some truth in...


    ttc since 10-09 first visit with RE 09-10 ME-everything ok DH- AZOOSPERMIA...biopsy confirmed Sertoli Only Cell syndrome Donor IUI#4 was the charm (8-27-11) with 125iuFollistim/Ovidrel/Endometrin/PIO/vit D beta #1 9/8/11....BFP!!! : ) @ 47.7 beta...#2 9/15/11... 1,998 beta#3 9/22/2011- 27,900 Baby's hb seen @6w2d ! 1-3-2012 20 wk u/s everything lookin' good! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm seems like just when you think you're getting ahead...something always comes up $$$


    TTC 12/2009
    Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
    IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
    IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins!
    E & C Born 10/19/2012
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • sorry cutie

    it blows

    if i hit the mega, i'll send a little your way :)

    Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, It empties today of its strength. ~Corrie ten Boom
    Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. ~Mary Anne Radmacher (thank you beadinglady)

    It's been a long journey. TTC since 9/06. multiple IUI's and IVF's and 4 m/c's. IVF#3 = BFP, twins, induced at 34w6d due to baby b passing away (no explanation). Delivered on 35w1d, Baby A - baby girl, and Baby B - baby boy, our little angel.
    MTHFR A1298C & C677T, Immune Issues and Factor II
  • feel your pain!  sorry you have to deal with this right now!
    Tara & Dave - TTC since September 2006
    PCOS - dx 1999 (amenorrhea) | freakishly long fallopian tubes
    Hypoglycemic | thyroid issues | severely anemic
    Multiple Clomid cycles of 50, 100, 150 - absolutely no response
    Follistim 50/100 | Follistim 75/125 | Follistim 100/150 IUI - all BFNs
    Converted IVF - BFP - m/c | FET - BFN | IVF #2 = BFN
    IVF #3
  • That does suck. I am glad your guys are both home and can maybe get back to "normal".
    PAIF and SAIF Always Welcome!
    TTC since 2007
    6 IUIs, 3 IVFs, and 2 m/c :< PCOS, Blood Clotting Disorder & MFI
    IVF #2 Aug 2011 is a BFN:<
    IVF #3 March 2012 is a BFN
    Not sure what to do now. Sad and lost.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • I'm sorry hun. I realy hope that things work out. I know it's not what you want to hear but I would be prepared for some problems with the loan mortgage though. Any new large loan is a red flag during that period. However, it's not the end of the world. You can always revisit home buying in a few months. I hope you don't have to though. Can you swing buying a cheaper car that you wouldn't have to have a large loan, if any at all?

    I completely feel your pain on so many levels. We are just now getting back to a good place after my 10 month unemployment. We have one newer car and my old 98 Blazer that is getting really run down. We are trying our best to avoid having to take out yet another car loan. All our savings was wiped out with renovations to the house and my unemployment.

    Keep your chin up. I'm always here to talk if you need to. We're glad you're back (((hugs)))

    DX PCOS w/IR 01/08.
    Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
    My IF/Everything Blog
    There's No Crying in Baseball
    ***My posts are always SAIFW**
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