
Breast pump question

Can you use the same tubes and cup things for DC #2?  I have a Medela PISA and never thought about having to buy replacement parts for DC #2.  Just wondering if its necessary or if I can just sterelize the ones that came with it and use them again.

Re: Breast pump question

  • I have the PISA too and used the same tubing and did buy a second set of parts so I would have two.  I would say if you are the only one that has used the pump, you can get away with sterilizing.  I do think its nice to have two sets though, but not necessary I suppose.  I pumped a lot with both my kids though, so it worked for me.
  • You can use all the same parts, no need for replacing them.  You may want to have anew set of those little white valves/membranes, but other than that, you should be fine.
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