I've read alot about a decrease in actiivity prior to labor as the baby moves down into "go" position...( I lost my MP this week and have been trying to mentally prep myself for labor--even though I know you can go weeks w/o a MP)
My question is...if youre having twins do you still notice a decrease or because 1 baby is still not locking in and engaging do they continue to move normally so that a decrease in movement isn't really that noticable?
TIA for indulging all of my FTM questions!
Re: Decrease in Activity Prior to Labor
I didn't notice any decrease in activity b/c I was so preoccupied with the BH contractions (or so I thought).
I had what I chalked up to BHs from Thursday evening until Friday morning, when I called the Dr. I went in for a checkup - was bothered by the BHs but didn't think it was labor b/c there was no pain, no "wrap around" feeling, and they were all over the place time-wise - 2 mins apart, 20 mins, then 5, then 30... I was only 36w2d and certain I wasn't going yet, but I was dialated, effaced and checked into the hospital. I guess everyone's different!
It's still a good idea to monitor the babies' movement and call your dr if it really seems to slow down or something just feels off.
This was my experience. B actually flipped breech somewhere between the end of 36 weeks and delivery at 37w3d. I have no clue how he did it!